[OBJECTION] [BYLAW REVISION] Supernatural Companion & Lesser Shaman
Open Votes
I, Jen Salty, as Mage Genre Coordinator, hereby propose the following changes to Character Bylaw 10.j.v.:
10. Controlled Items
v. Mage Merits
1. Merit: Immunity (standard version) at a rating greater than 6 - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
2. Merit: Immunity ("half damage" version) at a rating greater than 3 - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
3. Merit: Immunity - multiple instances of the merit on the same PC - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
4. Merit: Immortal (7 point version) - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
10. Controlled Items
v. Mage Merits
1. Merit: Immunity (standard version) at a rating greater than 6 - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
2. Merit: Immunity ("half damage" version) at a rating greater than 3 - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
3. Merit: Immunity - multiple instances of the merit on the same PC - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
4. Merit: Immortal (7 point version) - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage
5. Merit: Supernatural Companion/Retainer (Mage) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator : Mage
6. Merit: Supernatural Companion/Retainer (Hedge Mage) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator : Mage
7. Merit: Lesser Shaman - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mage and Hunter
No Legacy
Two part reasoning here.
1) We are seeing a huge bloat in the magic item economy that has been problematic for a long time. This is part of org culture, and I accept that. However, a lot of it is coming from Mage and Hedge Mage Supernatural Companions and Supernatural Retainers. Per the writeups of those backgrounds and merits, those companions are to have some quid-pro-quo, and if they feel that they are being over-utilized without said adequate recompense they will leave. One of the Mage Write-ups for this merit reads, and I quote, "You have a friend who is a vampire, werewolf, fae, mummy, or other such creature. This does not mean that you are privy to their secrets, however - only that you have somehow met and befriended them." Also, and this should be emphasized, "You may occasionally call upon your companion for assistance, but the opposite will be true as well (see "Allies"). Although you can determine the basic nature of the Companion, the Storyteller will create the character, and will not reveal its full capabilities to you." This Approval process is to ensure that the relationship being set up between the pair of 'super-friends' is one that is copacetic and not problematic for mage genre. This would only pertain to background/merit relationships with NPC mages and sorcerers.
I believe that if this is allowed to be legacy, then it would be allowing newer players to come in at a disadvantage as older players would have had a freer time acquiring supernatural NPCs as on-sheet companions.
2) There is a clear lean away from Lesser Shaman going on Vampire PCs, as displayed recently on council. This is to ensure that there is some kind of oversight for that particular merit into the future, and that it goes on fewer full supernaturals. The first line of the merit write-up is "Only Sleepers can take this Merit."
This needs to be treated as non-legacy due to that fact alone, as most of the PCs who have that merit on sheet are not Sleepers.
Jen Salty
Mage Coord
We support the regulation of Lesser Shaman, but not Supernatural Companion. Too bad they are combined in this proposal. We feel this is just an attempt to limit magic items in games, and that's not a Coord's job.