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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 26-Sep-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 26-Sep-2024 12:00AM EDT


I, Joshua “Pumpkin” Griep, in my duties as the Changing Breeds Coordinator propose the following change to Coordinator Bylaw
Create bylaw 3.C.vi:

vi. Genre IC Offices, other than those under a single Chronicle's jurisdiction, may not be filled, either by PC or NPCs, without previous approval from that genre's Coordinator. That includes:

1. The Changing Breeds Coordinator will have jurisdiction over any and all Garou Nation and Tribal positions of authority such as, but not limited to,The Court of the High King, Warclaws, Grand Dukes, Grandmasters, Righs, Calyx membership, and the equivalent positions in the remaining tribes.

Reasoning: While the CBC office has been handling these sorts of appointments through BAs, there is no regulation which gathers all of this responsibility and capability into one office. Passing this legislation will allow it to be very clear, on an OOC level, who holds which positions, and will allow easier management of the In Character power structures. There will be a Garou “Status” Packet coming soon which will give an overview of the power structures of each Tribe, matching those found in their respective packets but found in a central location. This will be binding as a status packet, placing the power of Tribal Organization in the hands of the CBC and their subcoords.

This is a Re-prop under the correct heading in the Coord bylaws, the following questions were asked initially

  >Will this impact anything on a chronicle level?

Not directly, but individual chronicles may have players that are impacted, there are PC Righs, Grand dukes and other "national tier" positions just like how Vampires have PC Faction heads, Archons and other "national tier" positions

>What specific groups will this include?  The "not limited to" is obviously not specific.  As written it isn't limited to WW published genre groups only, as unless I misremember roles like regional dukes/righs are a owbn creation (or at least an extrapolation).  Where is the line drawn?

>My immediate thought is player created groups that crop up now and again like the Long Knives camp and the recent Order of Ashwood, which seem fundamentally different from other camps and tribal "authority" positions, and need to be distinguished somehow.

Player created factions are not National or Tribal positions, the follow up status packet this prop enables will have clearer delineation

Josh "Pumpkin" Griep
Changing Breeds Coordinator


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