[BYLAW ADDITION] [SECOND] Coordinator Deregulation Standards

Status message

Displaying output for plurality voting

Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 29-Aug-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 05-Sep-2024 12:00AM EDT



I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator, hereby propose the following revision of Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.v.


Bylaw 3.C.v before:


  1. As of the 2024 Coordinator Team and hereafter, any PC portrayed by a Coordinator is not eligible for new approvals for any regulated item that their office has oversight of, including both the Character Bylaws and packets, for the duration of their term. This does not prevent them from having or utilizing approvals from prior coordinators, nor does it prevent them from future approvals should they no longer be the coordinator overseeing that genre.

    1. Items at the Notify regulated level are exempt from this Bylaw.

    2. This Bylaw also applies to Blood Magic the Coordinator controls that is Storyteller Approval.

    3. This Bylaw may not be circumvented in any way, including via Binding Agreements, handing approval authority to a subcoordinator, etc without an Exception Vote.


Bylaw 3.C.v after:


  1. As of the 2024 Coordinator Team and hereafter, any PC portrayed by a Coordinator is not eligible for new approvals for any regulated item that their office has oversight of, including both the Character Bylaws and packets, for the duration of their term. This does not prevent them from having or utilizing approvals from prior coordinators, nor does it prevent them from future approvals should they no longer be the coordinator overseeing that genre.

    1. Items at the Notify regulated level are exempt from this Bylaw.

    2. This Bylaw also applies to the following:

      1. Blood Magic the Coordinator controls that is Storyteller Approval.

      2. Regulated items that are deregulated from Coordinator Approval to Storyteller Approval or Coordinator Notify.

    3. This Bylaw may not be circumvented in any way, including via Binding Agreements, handing approval authority to a subcoordinator, etc without an Exception Vote.


Reasoning: As promised on Glass Council, this followup prop makes it so Coords can’t deregulate items in an attempt to get it on their PCs and must follow the new standard of proposing to Council to get items they control on their characters.


Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1


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