[BYLAW ADDITION] [AMENDMENT 2] Coordinators having their own controlled R&U

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 09-Aug-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 16-Aug-2024 12:00AM EDT

I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator, hereby propose the addition of Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.v and a review of all current coordinators to ensure they meet this ethical standard.


Bylaw 3.C.v:


  1. As of the 2024 Coordinator Team and hereafter, any PC portrayed by a Coordinator is not eligible for new approvals for any regulated item that their office has oversight of, including both the Character Bylaws and packets, for the duration of their term. This does not prevent them from having or utilizing approvals from prior coordinators, nor does it prevent them from future approvals should they no longer be the coordinator overseeing that genre.

    1. Items at the Notify regulated level are exempt from this Bylaw.

    2. This Bylaw also applies to Blood Magic the Coordinator controls that is Storyteller Approval.

    3. This Bylaw may not be circumvented in any way, including via Binding Agreements, handing approval authority to a subcoordinator, etc without an Exception Vote.


Coord Review: This proposal requires the Storytellers of Coordinator's PCs to review the R&U of those PCs to ensure they have not been approved for R&U they control since they were originally elected. Storytellers must send a list to Exec that includes the name of the PC, what R&U from that Coord's office that PC has, and the date they were approved. The Executive Team will be reviewing timestamps of R&U in the database and investigating any that are timestamped during the time frame they are coordinator. 


The dates current coordinators took office is as follows, listed in order as they are on the website:

Assamite: Beth C., 3/7/2024

Brujah: Marcus Glowczak, 3/13/2022

Followers of Set: Alexander Tomasi, 3/7/2024

Gangrel: Virginia Grams, 3/7/2024

Giovanni: David A., 3/7/2024

Lasombra: Chuck Farmer, 7/4/2023

Malkavian: Ken Shields, 3/7/2024

Nosferatu: Heather A., 3/11/2017

Ravnos: William Lee, 3/10/2013

Toreador: Jessica Staley, 3/13/2022

Tremere: Drew O'Hair, 6/5/2022

Tzimisce: Derek Howard, 11/22/2009

Ventrue: John Russell, 12/20/2023

Anarch: Marion B., 3/13/2022

Camarilla: Michael Amos, 3/13/2022

Changeling: Ashton Bush, 3/13/2022

Changing Breeds: Joshua "Pumpkin" Griep, 8/9/2022

Demon: Brienne Frost, 3/7/2024

Hengeyokai: Lex Lopez, 3/7/2024

Hunter: Rafael Rover, 3/7/2024

Kuei-Jin: Tauney Kennedy, 3/7/2024

Mage: Jen Salty, 3/7/2024

Mummy: Scott Logan, 3/24/2024

Sabbat: Matt A., 3/13/2022

Wraith: Kurt Morris, 7/6/2024


Reasoning: Coordinators set the standard and expectations for genre and R&U of their office. To be able to get that R&U for themselves is a conflict of interest, regardless if they get a subcoord or another Coordinator to approve it as they set the standard for it.


Amendment: Slight wording changes, added an effective date, added notify as an exception. Clarified Exception Vote as only way to circumvent the bylaw. Added current coord review. 



What this prop does do: 

This prop makes it so coords cannot approve their PCs for R&U they control. For example, the Tremere Coord could not approve a PC they play for Hermetic Thaumaturgy. 


What this prop does not do: 

This prop doesn't make it so Coords cannot have R&U at all. For example, a PC played by the Ventrue Coord could get approved for Hermetic Thaumaturgy by the Tremere Coord.

This prop does not make it so Coords cannot create packets for their office, regardless if it impacts one of their PCs.

This prop doesn't make it so Coord’s PCs are stripped of the R&U they control when they take office. It only applies to approvals for the duration of their term. For example, if the Brujah Coord was elected in 2020, their PC that was approved for Iron Heart in 2018 under a different elected coordinator would retain Iron Heart before, during, and after their term in office.


Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1


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