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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 07-Jul-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 07-Jul-2024 12:00AM EDT

This proposal is contingent and will autopass the day after the plot proposal "The Books Lost to Time" passes. If that proposal fails, this will be withdrawn. This proposal has the public information from that proposal.
I, Will Lee, propose the following plot, and bylaw changes. This has the potential to autopass! See below for details (also has a no legacy)

The Dracian have had a lot of mysterious issues. Romani? Revenants? Who knows. The truth is about the journey, and it will finally clear up what the Descendants of Dracian are, or aren’t.


The plan is to run this a mix of downtimes, email scenes, and live events. Discord has dominated plots as of late, and after blood and ice, people had fun getting a chance to run coord plot in person (and cost me a lot of pizza).

Dracian lore is being regulated in this prop, and rom lore is being removed and changed to History (that will happen in the packet itself). This is the final step in finally removing any mechanical benefits to simply being Rom.


The goal is also not to rob the rom players of years of hard work and identity. Giving the families a place retains their RP and effort. I don’t believe in hand waving and wiping out PCs and years of hard work. I personally believe devalues PC efforts.

This is tied to my territory prop. Wanted it separate so things can, and can’t be, shared.

Also! (Again, with no legacy)

10.e.ix.b.x.c Decedent of Dracian Lore PC: coordinator approval, NPC coordinator approval. Coordinator: Ravnos

Ravnos guy 

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