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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 27-Jun-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 27-Jun-2024 12:00AM EDT

Hello everyone. I come to you with a new prop to open some new options in the wraith genre. I have been asked about this a lot as an ST and with approval of the current Wraith Coordinator I am here to prop it as the Wraith Coord is very busy.

What does this do. Create a cohesive baseline for new character options based on revised and the 20th anniversary gamelines for use in One World by Night.

What doesn't this prop do. Give everything Arcanoi and all of us ice cream.

-----Bylaw Before------

-----Bylaw After---------
10. Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
7. Laments from Orpheus book line - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Disallowed - Coordinator: Wraith
a. Laments from Wraith20 will continue to be unregulated as a wraith demi-supernatural character option.

Legacy: As they are not a current playable option within One World by Night there is no legacy possible.

Reasoning: What this does is put laments into the by-laws thus making them playable without adapting the meta plot, as a character option at ST discretion. I approached the Wraith Coordinator with this as I have been asked for this a lot over the years as an HST. I personally love Wraith genre and this inclusion I feel will bolster the genre.

Why the 20th Anniversary versus the Orpheus gameline? What changes? In the 20th anniversary they made Laments have Arcanoi instead of their own proprietary powers. Thus making an already acceptable rule set more transferable to the org rather than having to adopt a full gameline in its own packet of their own unique powers. More information about them can be found in Wraith 20th Anniversary Edition pages 468 to 490.

PT: Olá a todos, venho até vocês com um novo adereço para abrir algumas novas opções no gênero wraith. Tenho sido muito questionado sobre isso como ST e com a aprovação do atual Coordenador Wraith, estou aqui para apoiá-lo, pois o Coordenador Wraith está muito ocupado.

O que isso faz. Crie uma linha de base coesa para novas opções de personagens com base nas linhas de jogo revisadas e do 20º aniversário para uso em One World by Night.

O que esse suporte não faz. Dê sorvete a tudo Arcanoi e a todos nós.

Dennis Hamand
HST & CM of Prey to Predator

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