[Territory][Autopass] Gangrel Coord territory request - Mariner Gangrel Headquarters

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 22-Jun-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 22-Jun-2024 12:00AM EDT

I, Virginia Grams, as Gangrel Coordinator, would like to request the following areas as Gangrel Coordinator territory. This prop has the potential to autopass.
Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.iii.5 states:
Coordinators may lay claim to territories in order to preserve or uphold the status quo established by the canon material, or due to Council-approved plot-lines or other such world-events
Claiming new or modifying existing territories is considered something that affects multiple Chronicles and must be brought to the OWbN Council independent of other proposals.
Coordinators may propose sole control of a territory, or joint control with other Coordinators, specified in the proposal.
After a territory claim has passed a vote of the OWbN Council, the territory will be added to the Territory List posted on the OWbN website.
Each claim must include the proposed levels of restriction for each category of the territory.
Geographical Specifics of Responsibility: Area around Present Day: Lake Nyasa, Tanzania
Joint Approval: No
Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds: Coordinator Approval
Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Actions: Coordinator Approval
Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Backgrounds: Coordinator Approval
Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Actions: Coordinator Approval
Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds: Coordinator Approval
Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Actions: Coordinator Approval
General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator Approval
Rationale:. This is for an establishment of a Coord territory for the NPCs and PCs of those cultures to have for the Coord team to run scenes in as we bolster the genre.
In the past, many scenes have been run for Knights of Avalon, Marinera, Greek Gangrel and other bloodlines in this location. We would like to continue with some of these stories.
We have spoken to the Anarch office and there was no issue from them for us to lay claim on this territory. We are not claiming safe passage to and from the area, and it will not circumvent any plota or stories already in play in Africa via the Laibon or Anarch office.
Thank you for your time.
Gangrel Coordinator 


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