[SECOND] [BYLAW REVISION] Addition to Character Bylaws: Asymmetrical Reproduction

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 21-Jun-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 28-Jun-2024 12:00AM EDT

I, Adam Sartori, CM and HST of Kings of New York propose the following addition to the OWBN Character bylaws:



10.m.ix.34. Asymmetrical Reproduction – PC: Disallowed – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Tremere

                a. Disallowed for PCs includes possession of or benefit from this ritual by any and all means.  A PC may not be the recipient or subject of this ritual.


Reasoning:  This ritual is generally problematic in a PCs hands.  It is a great tool for a storyteller bad guy NPCs but we have seen it used in OWBN in different ways we do not feel benefit the org as a whole.  These include: Summoning Clone copies of a PC to fight in combat with them,  Attempted Resurrections, ability to play your PC in another scene while scene locked in another.  Rather then rely on House Rules, we simply feel this ritual is not really inappropriate in PC hands.


Legacy: PC: None, NPC: Yes


The Ritual Asymmetrical Reproduction can be found in the V20 book, Rites of the Blood page 109


Adam Sartori
HST and CM for Kings of New York
Subcoord for: Sabbat, Ravnos, Assamite, Salubri, Tremere, and Hunter


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