[BYLAW REVISION] [SECONDED] Addition to Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.ii Try 4
Open Votes
*weary voice* Fourth time's the charm right guys? I, Samantha Swanson, propose the following addition to Coordinator Bylaws 3.C.ii.
Genre Coordinators
To this end, Genre Coordinators have the following powers:
They may create and portray, or delegate the portrayal of, NPCs as appropriate to their position.
Genre Coordinators
To this end, Genre Coordinators have the following powers:
They may create and portray, or delegate the portrayal of, NPCs as appropriate to their position.
While portraying an NPC, the portrayer may not be under the influence until the NPC is off-screen for the night
“Under the influence” refers to impairment, to any degree, of an individual's ability to safely perform the activity in question as a result of the use of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both.
This is a proposal that has clinked around my head for a while. In nearly every event where there is a substantial amount of alcohol and players present, there is usually something that happens because a portrayer of an NPC has had enough drinks to impair their judgment. If I am honest, I would love to put in the Administrative Bylaws that the Storytellers of a game/event could not drink prior to the game off each night, nor would they be allowed to run any after-hours scenes once they had begun drinking.
It is a problem that we keep hoping will be handled via people making “the right choice”, but it hasn’t been. Every year we have at least a few instances of these issues where people are left scrambling to untangle a snarl created by these actions. It is a running joke that whoever is portraying Hardestadt seems to always be drinking/drunk.
This is not the way we should be running our organization and it is time to do something about it.
Samantha Swanson
Chicago Dark Requiem
I am uncomfortable with the level of