[BYLAW CHANGE] Addition to Character Bylaw 1
Open Votes
I, Ashley Muravnick, CM and HST for Cambridge: The Midnight Rose, Propose the following addition to Character Bylaw 1:
Add 1.c and renumber the current 1.c through 1.e to 1.d through 1.f
Bylaw Before:
Home Chronicle
A player character (PC) must be based in one, and only one, OWbN member chronicle.
Changing a PC's home chronicle requires the approval of the Head Storyteller or the majority of the Storytelling Staff of both the chronicle being left and the chronicle being joined.
A PC cannot be transferred to a different home chronicle for the purposes of evading the authority of a storyteller crew or avoiding the consequences of their IC actions.
Players that wish to transfer their characters but are unable to obtain their home chronicle’s approval can ask the OWbN Executive Team to mediate their dispute, should the denial be given in bad faith. To that end, evidence of the unfair treatment needs to be provided to the Executive Team for evaluation, who can refuse any case based on lack of proof.
For the duration of the dispute the Executive Team gains administrative control of the character and the character cannot be played without permission of the Executive Team.
The dispute shall be solved within 30 days of it being accepted by the Executive team.
Any extension of that period must be agreed upon by the player in question or brought before Council.
The Executive Team's decision on the matter will be final and notified to all the involved parties.
A PC may not claim any Location/City based position within Coordinator Territory
A PC may not in character claim residency within Coordinator Territory
Residency is defined as the character's home they live within. i.e. A Camarilla PC cannot claim to be under the authority of an NPC Prince in Coordinator Territory.
A PC may in character shelve in Coordinator Territory, but remain under the authority of their home game.
Bylaw After:
Home Chronicle
A player character (PC) must be based in one, and only one, OWbN member chronicle.
Changing a PC's home chronicle requires the approval of the Head Storyteller or the majority of the Storytelling Staff of both the chronicle being left and the chronicle being joined.
A PC cannot be transferred to a different home chronicle for the purposes of evading the authority of a storyteller crew or avoiding the consequences of their IC actions.
Players that wish to transfer their characters but are unable to obtain their home chronicle’s approval can ask the OWbN Executive Team to mediate their dispute, should the denial be given in bad faith. To that end, evidence of the unfair treatment needs to be provided to the Executive Team for evaluation, who can refuse any case based on lack of proof.
For the duration of the dispute the Executive Team gains administrative control of the character and the character cannot be played without permission of the Executive Team.
The dispute shall be solved within 30 days of it being accepted by the Executive team.
Any extension of that period must be agreed upon by the player in question or brought before Council.
The Executive Team's decision on the matter will be final and notified to all the involved parties.
A PC’s home chronicle cannot be the game where the PC’s player is the Head Storyteller. When a player becomes the Head Storyteller of a chronicle, they have 90 days to transfer their PC’s out of the chronicle.
A PC may not claim any Location/City based position within Coordinator Territory
A PC may not in character claim residency within Coordinator Territory
Residency is defined as the character's home they live within. i.e. A Camarilla PC cannot claim to be under the authority of an NPC Prince in Coordinator Territory.
A PC may in character shelve in Coordinator Territory, but remain under the authority of their home game.
At the passing of this bylaw revision, chronicles have 90 days to get into compliance.
This has the potential for a major conflict of interest for a number of reasons. Should a coord need to talk to staff about the PC, the PC interacting within their chronicle, players or PCs with issues and general oversight. While a regular STs character can still be managed by an HST that is not the same as this situation.
In the org the HST of a chronicle has all the power and final say for every pc in there chronicle. Even if a HST was to designate a ST of the chronicle to oversee their pc they would need their own approval for specific things such as RNU or bylaws. Which means they have the ability to overturn anything ruled on their pc should they choose to do so. As well as the ability to navigate around such things as ST approval items such as custom combos, innate magic abilities, custom disciplines, item cards, Merits, xp spends etc. As such I believe this should be a loophole closed so all players of the org have the oversight as intended over their pcs.