[OBJECTION] [BYLAW REVISION] Clarifying Autopass and General Consensus Procedures

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 04-May-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 11-May-2024 12:00AM EDT

This proposal is being proposed Under-the-Gun for the prop “Genre Proposals for Multiple Genres” and discussion will be extended by 3 days to accommodate it.




I, Chase Jelliffe, as Assistant Head Coordinator, hereby propose the following changes to the Administrative and Coordinator Bylaws:


Administrative Bylaw Changes


Replace 3.E:


3.E Before:


  1. General Consensus Vote and Autopass Procedure

    1. The Head Storyteller of a game, its Council Representative, or any Coordinator may petition the Executive Team for a General Consensus Vote on an issue that has little impact or significance on the organization as a whole but would technically require a vote per the bylaws.

    2. The Executive Team may then choose to perform the following:

      1. Propose the item on behalf of the Chronicle or Coordinator as a [General Consensus Vote] to Council.

      2. Within 48 hours of the original proposal, the Executive Team may amend a current proposal on behalf of the original author to a [General Consensus Vote] to Council.

    3. If the [General Consensus Vote] is not objected to in the (1) one week timeframe of the normal discussion period, then the issue is considered to autopass as a Coordinator Proposal and be logged into the voting log system. If a designated Council Representative formally Objects to the item, then it shall go to vote normally.


3.E After: 


  1. General Consensus Vote and Autopass Procedure

    1. Both General Consensus and Autopass Votes are defined as proposals that are considered passed, enforceable, and binding to all chronicles without a vote as long as no objection is voiced during the week of discussion. These proposals must have [AUTOPASS] or [GENERAL CONSENSUS] in the subject line when posted to Council. 

      1. Refusing to adhere to these passed proposals by a chronicle or member of One World by Night is grounds for Disciplinary Action.

    2. General Consensus Vote Procedure

    3. The Head Storyteller of a game, its Council Representative, or any Coordinator may petition the Executive Team for a General Consensus Vote on an issue that has little impact or significance on the organization as a whole but would technically require a vote per the bylaws.

    4. The Executive Team may then choose to perform the following:

      1. Propose the item on their behalf as General Consensus to Council.

      2. Within 48 hours of the original proposal, the Executive Team may amend a current proposal on behalf of the original author to General Consensus to Council.

    5. General Consensus votes may be objected to for any reason by a Council Member during the week of discussion, in which case the proposal shall go to vote normally.

    6. To object to a General Consensus proposal, post with “[OBJECTION] [PROPOSAL] Proposal Name” in the subject line of the message, where “proposal name” is the title of the proposal, while also removing [GENERAL CONSENSUS] from the subject line.

    7. In the body of the message, include the statement “I [name] of [Chronicle Name] object to this proposal” followed by the reasoning behind the objection.

    8. Autopass votes are only proposed by Coordinators in passing binding edicts or bylaw changes within the scope of their duties as detailed elsewhere in the bylaws. These proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.

    9. Objection to an Autopass Vote

      1. A Council Member or a member of the Executive Team may object to an Autopass Vote during the week of discussion. An objection will remove the proposal’s ability to autopass and must instead proceed to Vote.

        1. To object to a proposal, post with “[OBJECTION] [PROPOSAL] Proposal Name” in the subject line of the message, where “proposal name” is the title of the proposal, while also removing [AUTOPASS] from the subject line.

        2. In the body of the message, include the statement “I [name] of [Chronicle Name] object to this proposal” followed by the reasoning behind the objection.

        3. Opposition must be in regard to the content of the proposal. This is to allow Coordinators the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.

          1. This opposition must have some degree of detail to it, e.g. in the case of Legacy exemption, a further reason must be given beyond the status of a legacy exemption / no legacy exemption clause in the proposal itself.

          2. Exec is considered to be the final arbiter on what is or is not a detailed enough reason to object to a prop.

    10. Autopass Vote Procedure


Update 3.A.v:


3.A.v Before:


  1. Administrative Bylaw Changes

    1. Administrative Coordinators may pass before Council any changes to the administrative bylaws, as long as said changes directly affect their position. These proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.

      1. If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the bylaw is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these bylaws are considered binding to all chronicles (as with any other bylaw) and a chronicles refusal to adhere to said bylaw is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.


3.A.v After: 


  1. Administrative Bylaw Changes

    1. Administrative Coordinators may propose to Council any changes to the bylaws, as long as said changes directly affect their position. These proposals follow the Autopass Vote Procedure.


Coordinator Bylaw Changes


Update 3.C.iii:


3.C.iii Before:


  1. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, R&U bylaw revision, R&U named characters, Coordinator-NPC Character Resurrections, territory requests, in character enforced policy, or in character binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.

    1. If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these are considered binding to all chronicles and a chronicles refusal to adhere is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.

      1. Objection to a Proposal

        1. A Council member, the HC, or an AHC may object to the proposal at any time of the Autopass Discussion window. This objection removes the proposal's ability to autopass and must instead proceed to Vote.

          1. To object to a proposal, post with "[OBJECTION][PROPOSAL] Proposal name" in the subject line of the message, where "proposal name" is the title of the draft proposal, while also removing the "[AUTOPASS]" from the subject line.

          2. In the body of the message, include the statement "I [name] of [Chronicle Name] object to this proposal" followed by the reasoning behind the objection.

          3. Opposition must be in regard to the content of the proposal.

            1. This opposition must have some degree of detail to it, e.g. in the case of legacy exemption, a further reason must be given beyond the status of a legacy exemption / no legacy exemption clause in the prop itself.

            2. Exec is considered to be the final arbiter on what is or is not a detailed enough reason to object to a prop.

      2. exception to above - Player Character (PC) specific information, such as but not limited to PC's holding regional positions or PC's important enough to have been included in genre documents (i.e. tribal packets, clan packets, status packets etc.) may be updated by notification to council, should the PC specific information change during the duration that the document is current. Adding or removing player characters and their respective information from genre documents is expressly NOT covered by this clause, and should be handled through the normal council approval processes.

      3. Proposals that impact multiple genres

      4. Genre Coordinator proposals that impact multiple genres have the right to be propped as [AUTOPASS] as detailed above only if they have the support of the other Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted.

        1. Coordinator support must either be documented and sent to the Executive Team before the proposal is sent to Council or the supporting Coordinators may voice their support to Council within 48 hours.

        2. Proposals that impact multiple genres and do not have the support of the other Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted do not have the right to [AUTOPASS].

        3. If there is a disagreement on whether a proposal impacts multiple genres, the Executive Team will determine whether or not it does and which genres are impacted.


3.C.iii After:


  1. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, R&U bylaw revision, R&U named characters, Coordinator-NPC Character Resurrections, territory requests, in character enforced policy, or in character binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals follow the Autopass Vote Procedure.

    1. Exception to above - Player Character (PC) specific information, such as but not limited to PC's holding regional positions or PC's important enough to have been included in genre documents (i.e. tribal packets, clan packets, status packets etc.) may be updated by notification to council, should the PC specific information change during the duration that the document is current. Adding or removing player characters and their respective information from genre documents is expressly NOT covered by this clause, and should be handled through the normal council approval processes.

    2. Proposals that impact multiple genres

      1. Genre Coordinator proposals that impact multiple genres have the right to be propped as [AUTOPASS] as detailed above only if they have the support of the other Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted.

        1. The additional Coordinator(s) support must either be documented and sent to the Executive Team before the proposal is sent to Council or the supporting Coordinators may voice their support to Council within 48 hours.

        2. Proposals that impact multiple genres and do not have the support of the other Genre Coordinators whose genres are impacted do not have the right to [AUTOPASS].

        3. If there is a disagreement on whether a proposal impacts multiple genres, the Executive Team will determine whether or not it does and which genres are impacted.


Reasoning: It was pointed out that while the term “Autopass” is used quite often in our bylaws, it is never actually defined. The procedure for Autopass is detailed out in two different places without using the term Autopass. This change defines Autopass and cleans up its use elsewhere in the bylaws.


Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1


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