[OBJECTION] [AMENDMENT 2] [GENRE PACKET] [BYLAW CHANGE] Clanless Packet & Accompanying Bylaws

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Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 29-Apr-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 06-May-2024 12:00AM EDT

This Proposal has the potential to Autopass.


I, Chase Jelliffe, in my Duties as Assistant Head Coordinator of One World by Night propose the following Bylaw changes and packet for the Camarilla, Anarch, Sabbat, and Independent Genres. This is being proposed on behalf of the Anarch Coordinator because it impacts multiple genres and this proposal has the support of the Camarilla and Sabbat Coordinators.


New Clanless Packet



In addition, I propose the following additions to the OWbN Character bylaws: These bylaws have the support of the Camarilla and Sabbat offices.


New Bylaws Added

10.m.viii - Vampire Controlled Powers

93. Camarilla Caitiff Combination Disciplines - PCs: Coordinator Approval - NPCs: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Camarilla

i. Slippery Mind

ii. Do you Even Lift?

iii. Defense of the Lowly

94. Inceptor Discipline: Startle Display: PCs: Coordinator Approval - NPCs: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Camarilla

95. Combination Disciplines that use Startle Display: PCs: Coordinator Approval - NPCs: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Camarilla.

96.  Anarch Caitiff Combination Disciplines - PCs: Coordinator Approval - NPCs: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Anarch

                             i. Auspicious Exit

ii. Rip Off

iii. Spread the Fleas

97. Non-Panders with Sabbat Pander Combination Disciplines - PCs: Coordinator Approval - NPCs: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Sabbat

                             i. Draw Fire

ii. Emerge Unscathed

iii. Hear the Beating of the Father’s Heart

iv. Immutable Form

v. Lightning Tongue

vi. Running Hot

vii. The Father’s Blood





  • Players of Clanless PCs have been asking for years for a packet to help promote their genre and to have a source to review for new and old players alike. This packet covers both source material and org genre. 

  • Combination Disciplines & Custom Inceptor

    • Panders have had sect specific combos for a while now, they have been reviewed and revised. This packet adds 3 combos each to Camarilla and Anarch Caitiff as well. In addition, the Camarilla has been given a custom Inceptor power.




  • This proposal allows Legacy for the existing Sabbat Pander Combination Disciplines Draw Fire and Emerge Unscathed.

Amendment: Couple grammatical fixes in the packet. Changed the Sabbat Pander combos to be Coord Approval for non-Sabbat Panders. Added Legacy for existing Sabbat Pander combos.
Chase Jelliffe
Assistant Head Coordinator 1


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