[AUTOPASS] [AMENDMENT 2] [BYLAW REVISION] [LEGACY] Giovanni/Setite Bylaw Reformat and Separation of Wanga and Voudoun Necromancy

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 25-Apr-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 25-Apr-2024 12:00AM EDT

This Proposal has the potential to Autopass.


I, Chase Jelliffe, in my Duties as Assistant Head Coordinator of One World by Night propose the following Bylaw changes to the Character and Coordinator Bylaws. This is being proposed on behalf of the Setite and Giovanni Coordinators because it impacts both of their genres.


This proposal has changes to both the Character and Coordinator Bylaws. 


---Old Coordinator Bylaws---

c.2.6.viii. Necromancy - Giovanni Coordinator

I. Includes the following:

1. Mortis

2. Western Necromancy

3. Eastern Necromancy

4. African Necromancy

5. Aztec Necromancy


c.2.6.ix.Nahuallotl – Setite Coordinator


c.2.6.xi. Setite Sorcery (Akhu) - Setite Coordinator


c.2.6.xii. Voudoun Necromancy - See Below


I. Setite Coordinator for Serpents of the Light and Children of Damballah

II. Giovanni Coordinator for all others


c.2.6.xiii. Voudoun Wanga - See Below

I. Setite Coordinator for Serpents of the Light Children of Damballah

II. Giovanni Coordinator for all others


---New Coordinator Bylaws---

c.2.6.viii. Necromancy - Giovanni Coordinator

I. Includes the following:

1. Mortis

2. Western Necromancy

3. Eastern Necromancy

4. African Necromancy

5. Aztec Necromancy

6. Voudoun Necromancy

7. Any Necromancy paradigm not listed


c.2.6.ix. Setite Sorcery

I. Include the following:

1. Akhu

2. Nahuallotl

3. Wanga

4. Seidr

5. Afro-Caribbean Sorcery

6. Any Setite Sorcery paradigm not listed.


---Old Character Bylaws to be removed---

10.m.ix.ii.79 Santero/Santos Brujah - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Brujah and Follower of Set

a. Santero/Santos Brujah are defined as a bloodline of Clan Brujah that have the same Disciplines, Advantage and Disadvantage as their parent


b. Santos Brujah may purchase Wanga at Out of Clan costs without a teacher, as per the Follower of Set Wanga packet.


10.m.iii.6.g. Lasombra Wangateurs - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator Lasombra & Giovanni


10.m.ix.16. Non Follower of Set Bloodline / Faction / Convert  or Initiate with Wanga / Afro-Caribbean Sorcery - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator

Approval - Coordinator: Giovanni

a. Children of Damballa / Convert  / Initiate - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set

i. Convert s require approval for every ritual and each path

ii. Initiates use the same approval process as a Child of Damballa

iii. Normal (not Convert  / Initiate) Children of Damballah follow the most recent applicable Packet

b. Serpent of the Light / Convert  / Initiate - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set

i. Convert s require approval for every ritual and each path

ii. Initiates use the same approval process as a Serpent of the Light

iii. Normal (not Convert  / Initiate) Serpents of the Light follow the most recent Wanga Packet

c. Learning Wanga from PC's - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite


10.m.ix.17. Non-Setites with Akhu (Setite) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set

a. Converts require approval for every ritual and each path

b. Initiates use the same approval process as a Setite


10.m.ix.18. Non-Tlacique with Nahuallotl (Setite) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set

a. Converts require approval for every ritual and each path

b. Initiates use the same approval process as a Setite


10.m.ix.37. Seidr - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set


10.m.ix.29 - Voudoun Necromancy for any non Samedi / Follower of Set Bloodline / Faction / Convert - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Giovanni


10.m.ix.30 - Voudoun Necromancy for any Follower of Set Bloodline / Faction / Convert - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set


10.m.ix.31 - Aztec Necromancy - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Giovanni

Tlacique PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set

- Converts require approval for every ritual and each path 

- Initiates use the same approval process as a Tlacique


10.m.ix.32 - Non-Laibon with African Necromancy - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Giovanni


10.m.ix.33 - Eastern Necromancy - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Giovanni


10.m.ix.20. Follower of Set Bloodline / Faction / Converts or Initiate with Voudoun - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator:

Follower of Set

a. Converts require approval for every ritual and each path

b. Initiates use the same approval process as a Setite


7.c.i.5. Wanga practitioner PC's learning Custom Content paths and rituals of Wanga previously created require Setite or Giovanni Coordinator approval, but do not require a PC "teacher" because Wanga is taught by the Loa, and is not "taught" by a pc.

a. Must have Original Creators OOC Approval as well as Coordinator Approval.


7.b.ii.15. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Serpentis, Akhu, Nahuollotl, or Seidr requires Setite Coordinator Approval.


---New Character Bylaws to replace old---


10.m.iii.6.g. - Lasombra Wangateurs - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite & Lasombra


10.m.ix.ii.79 - Brujah Santos - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite & Brujah

    a. Santero/Santos Brujah are defined as a bloodline of Clan Brujah that have the same Disciplines, Advantage and Disadvantage as their parent


                 b. Santos Brujah may purchase Wanga at Out of Clan costs without a teacher, as per the Follower of Set Wanga packet. 


7.c.i.5. Wanga practitioner PC's learning Custom Content paths and rituals of Wanga previously created require Setite Coordinator approval.


7.b.ii.15. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Serpentis, Akhu, Nahuallotl, Wanga, Afro-Caribbean Sorcery, or Seidr requires Setite Coordinator Approval.


10.m.ix.16 - Setite Sorcery

             - Non-Setite with Akhu (Setite) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite

             - Non-Children of Damballah/Serpent of the Light/Lasombra Wangateurs/Brujah Santos/Samedi with Wanga or Afro-Carribean Sorcery PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite

             - Non-Tlacique with Nahuallotl (Setite) - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Setite

             - Any Other Unlisted Setite Sorcery Paradigm  - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Setite

             - Seidr - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Setite



10.m.ix.29 - Necromancy

             - African Necromancy - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni

             - Aztec Necromancy - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni

             - Non-Nagaraja with Eastern Necromancy  - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni

             - Non-Harbingers of Skulls or Cappadocians or Lamia or Drakaina with Mortis  - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni

             - Any Other Unlisted Necromancy Paradigm  - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni

             - Non-Samedi/Children of Damballah/Serpent of the Light/Lasombra Wangateurs/Brujah Santos with Voudoun Necromancy  - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni

             - Non-Giovanni with Western Necromancy  - PC: Coordinator Approval – NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Giovanni


Rationale: Team Setite has been working in conjunction with Team Giovanni as both teams want to take their respective paradigms back under their control. Thus anything that was joint control between Team Setite and Team Giovanni is now moving to Team Setite for everything Wanga and Team Giovanni for anything Necromancy. With this stated, Wangateurs are still able to learn Necromancy however it is Giovanni Coordinator Approval, likewise Samedi are still able to learn Wanga however it is Setite Coordinator Approval.

Along with it both teams wanted to codify their magic section in the bylaws to make it easier for players and staff to find/read.

Team Set is utilizing Character Bylaws 10.a.i.1 Blood Magic is regulated in their own packets. In relation to the Converts/Initiates in their rarity scale. Allowing them to clean up some of the bloat in the bylaws.


Legacy: Yes.


Chase Jelliffe

Assistant Head Coordinator 1

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