[BYLAWS] [SECOND] Modification to Coordinator Bylaws 3.A.v

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 27-Mar-2024 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 03-Apr-2024 12:00AM EDT

I, Brad Klinger, as CM for Dubuque: Kingdom of Ashes, propose the following modifications to the Bylaws governing the position of Archivist.  Specifically changing Coordinator Bylaws Sections 2&3 and Character Bylaws Section 7.


Reasoning: This is part of a general restructure of the position, based on the experience of several years now of having filled it.  This brings it more in line with other Coordinator positions, being a single office with the ability to appoint subcoords as needed, so that there is clear delineation of duties and accountability.

Additionally, this allows those subcoords to fulfill reporting requirements to the Org as needed.  Likewise, it moves the Custom Content directives to the relevant section of the Character Bylaws rather than being in the Archivist Bylaws for some reason.


Bylaws Before:

2. Appointed Coordinator Positions

  1. The following Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Head Coordinator as needed until such time as the Council feels the genre requires an elected Coordinator position:
    1. Kuei-jin
    2. Archivists (up to 2 positions)
    3. Historian
    4. Hunter
    5. Hengeyokai
    6. Documents



3. Coordinator Duties

  1. Administrative Coordinators
    1. Archivists
      1. Duties for Historical archival shall be:
        1. Catalog and report disciplinary actions as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 6.F.i.
        2. Archive chronicle reports and policies as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 8.
      2. Duties for Rare & Unusual archival shall be:
        1. Create and maintain a database listing of all approved Rare & Unusual characters and routinely-appearing/interacting NPCs as outlined in the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 7 and 10.
        2. Report to the ST list/Council an overview of existing R&U characters within OWBN and offer the a global picture of the R&Us in the organization.
      3. Duties for Custom Content archival shall be:
        1. All Custom Content will be recorded and compiled by the Archivists into a single document which shall be accessible on the One World by Night website.
          1. This document will include the following information about each item of Custom Content:
            1. Name of the Custom
            2. Type (Discipline, Combo, etc)
            3. For Combination Disciplines, the component requirements
            4. Cost
            5. The MET Mechanics
            6. Date of the Archival
            7. Coordinator office responsible for monitoring the Custom Content
          2. HST Name and Chronicle Name (where the Custom Content was Approved) will be recorded, but not listed publicly in the document
      4. The Archivists may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
        1. The elected Coordinator, or the Head Coordinator, may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
        2. The elected Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.




Bylaws After:
2. Appointed Coordinator Positions

  1. The following Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Head Coordinator as needed until such time as the Council feels the genre requires an elected Coordinator position:
    1. Kuei-jin
    2. Archivist
    3. Historian
    4. Hunter
    5. Hengeyokai
    6. Documents


3. Coordinator Duties

  1. Administrative Coordinators
    1. Archivists
      1. Duties for Historical archival shall be:
        1. Catalog and report disciplinary actions as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 6.F.i.
        2. Archive chronicle reports and policies as per the Administrative Bylaws, Section 8.D.
      2. Duties for Rare & Unusual archival shall be:
        1. Create and maintain a database listing of all approved Rare & Unusual characters and routinely-appearing/interacting NPCs as outlined in the Character Regulation Bylaws, Section 7 and 10.
        2. Report to the ST list/Council an overview of existing R&U characters within OWBN and offer the a global picture of the R&Us in the organization.

3.        The Archivists may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.

  1. The Archivist Coordinator, or the Head Coordinator, may remove or replace these Sub-Coordinators at will. Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
  2. The Archivist Coordinator is responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council involving any authority delegated to their Sub-Coordinators.
  3. These sub-coordinators are allowed access to the Council and Storyteller emails lists for the sole purpose of communications relevant to the duties of the Archivist office as outlined in the Administrative Bylaws and Coordinator Bylaws.



Character Bylaws Addition

7.        Custom Content

d.       Duties for Custom Content archival shall be:

                                                                              i.        All Custom Content will be recorded and compiled by the Archivist into a single document which shall be accessible on the One World by Night website.

1.        This document will include the following information about each item of Custom Content:

a.        Name of the Custom

b.       Type (Discipline, Combo, etc)

c.        For Combination Disciplines, the component requirements

d.       Cost

e.        The MET Mechanics

f.          Date of the Archival

g.        Coordinator office responsible for monitoring the Custom Content

2.        HST Name and Chronicle Name (where the Custom Content was Approved) will be recorded, but not listed publicly in the document



Brad Klinger
HST, Kingdom of Ashes
Assamite Subcoord
Sabbat Subcoord


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