[SECOND] [AMENDED] [Character Bylaw Revision] [Coordinator Bylaw Addition] Mummy Appointed Coordinator and Bylaw Transfer Prop
Open Votes
I, Alexander Tomasi, do hereby propose the following addition to the Bylaws. With these additions comes the role of a Mummy Coordinator. This proposal must be seconded to go for a vote.
I also propose, pursuant to Coordinator Bylaw §3.C.iii, that the following Character Bylaws be transferred upon the successful creation of the Coordinator Position to the Mummy Coordinator.
Coordinator Bylaw Change
2. Appointed Coordinator Positions
A. The following Coordinator positions shall be appointed by the Head Coordinator as needed until such time as the Council feels the genre requires an elected Coordinator position:
i. Kuei-jin
ii. Archivists (2 positions)
iii. Historian
iv. Hunter
v. Hengeyokai
vi. Documents
vii. Mummy
Character Bylaw Change
x. Mummy Coordinator
a. None
i. Creature Types
1. Non-Standard Mummies - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Mummy
a. Non-Standard Mummies are defined as those Mummies not part of the Amenti, Imkhu, or Shemsu-Heru. Examples of non-standard mummies include, but are not limited to;
i. Ishmaelites
ii. Cabiri
iii. Capococoha
iv. Wu T'ian
2. Asek-Sen - PC: Disallowed -NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Mummy
3. Bane Mummies - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Mummy
4. Canon Mummies - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Mummy
ii. Items
1. Hekau: Nomenclature on Amenti or other standard mummies - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Mummy
2. Non-Mummy full supernatural creatures in possession of Mummy-created magic items - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval -
Coordinator: Mummy
a. Mummy magic item is defined as any item which originates from a Mummy book, intended for Mummies, or is created with Hekau.
iii. Genre Specific Mummy Backgrounds on non-Mummys - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Mummy
1. This includes: Arcane, Ba, Companion, Ka, Legacy, Memory, Tome, Vessel
2. If another genre has a published background of the same name, this does not restrict characters of that Genre from buying their own version of the background. For example, Mage characters have their own version of Arcane, and so are not restricted from purchasing it by this bylaw.
iv. Genre-specific Mummy genre Merits/Flaws on non-Mummies - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Mummy
1. This Includes: Osiris' Gift, Bes' Blessing, Gift of Thoth, Soul's Reflection, Lesser Resurrection, Ba's Rest, and any merit/flaw dealing with a Mummy's First Life/Tem-akh
2. If another genre has a published merit/flaw of the same name, this does not restrict characters of that Genre from taking their own version of the merit/flaw
Rationale: The Genre is starting to see a lot of growth and activity. I also think it would see more growth if it had a dedicated coordinator that could tend to its needs.We also have an extremely knowledgeable member of Team Set Scott Logan, who is planning on applying for the position. He currently is the Mummy Sub-Coordinator for the team.
Alex T.
Setite Coordinator