[OWBN-Council][PROPOSAL][Bylaw Revision] Setite Bylaw Changes

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 02-Dec-2023 12:00AM EST
Closing: 09-Dec-2023 12:00AM EST



This proposal is made in accordance with the Coordinator Bylaws, section 3.C. (Subsections ii. and iii.):

3. Coordinator Duties

C. Genre Coordinators

iii. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, enforced policy, R&U named characters, or binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.

   1. If no opposition is voiced during the week of discussion, the proposal is considered passed and enforceable. Once passed these are considered binding to all chronicles and a chronicles refusal to adhere is grounds for OWBN disciplinary measures. Opposition must be in regards to the content of the proposal and must give those reasons why the objection is voiced. This is to allow Coordinator's the opportunity to respond and/or make changes/remove the proposal and its contents.

Pursuant to Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.iii, as the Setite Coordinator, I, Stacey Diaz, in my duties as said Coordinator, hereby propose the following Bylaw changes.
ix. Abilities
1. Lore
a. Genre Lores - Submitted to the Listed Coordinator

iv. Followers of Set Coordinator
a. Daitya 3+ - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval


ix. Abilities
1. Lore
a. Genre Lores - Submitted to the Listed Coordinator

iv. Followers of Set Coordinator
a. Non-Setite/Faction/Bloodline With Setite/Faction/Bloodline Lore 3+ - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Followers of Set
b. Setite/Faction/Bloodline With Setite/Faction/Bloodline Lore 3+ - PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Followers of Set
c. Non-Setite/Faction/Bloodline With Setite/Faction/Bloodline Magic Lore 3+ - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Followers of Set
d. Setite/Faction/Bloodline With Setite/Faction/Bloodline Magic Lore 3+ - PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Followers of Set

Rationale: For a long time information was handed out freely by ST's and players especially those not of the clan or one of its bloodlines. We are wanting to institute this in order to protect our genre. We've had instances where our players have been asked about things that no one outside the clan or any of the bloodlines should know.

Legacy: None, those with it can come to us within 30 days for approval, otherwise the "guardians" spirits of the Egyptian underworld come when the PC is asleep and removes the knowledge from their mind to a level of 2. So they don't take everything, just the things they want hidden.

Setite Coordinator

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