[OWBN-Council] [PROPOSAL] Character Bylaw 6 B i {Personal communications] Second version

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 17-Nov-2023 12:00AM EST
Closing: 23-Nov-2023 12:00AM EST

I, Johnny Russell, Council Member for Within Shadow Reach, propose the following to change the OWBN Administrative Bylaws.


D. Disciplinary Policy

A. Board of Inquiry

i. Council shall preside over any disciplinary case that could result in an OWbN-wide punishment that is proposed as a Disciplinary Action.

B. Issuing a OWBN Disciplinary Action

i. To initiate an OWBN Disciplinary Action a proposal must be submitted to Council proposing an action against a member, where a member is defined as an individual who participates in OWBN.

A disciplinary proposal explicitly does not require that a formal bylaw has been violated by the accused member. Council may utilize the disciplinary procedures to issue disciplinary action any time it feels the shared values of the community have been violated in some way.


D. Disciplinary Policy

A. Board of Inquiry

i. Council shall preside over any disciplinary case that could result in an OWbN-wide punishment that is proposed as a Disciplinary Action.

B. Issuing a OWBN Disciplinary Action

i. To initiate an OWBN Disciplinary Action a proposal must be submitted to Council proposing an action against a member, where a member is defined as an individual who participates in OWBN.

A disciplinary proposal explicitly does not require that a formal bylaw has been violated by the accused member. Council may utilize the disciplinary procedures to issue disciplinary action any time it feels the shared values of the community have been violated in some way.

Any person has the right to keep their private out of character  communications to themselves. They are not required to supply any out of character documentation that they deem as private to anyone.

Reasoning: I personally feel like this falls in line with our code of conduct and values as a community. It is not anyone's responsibility to prove their innocence or guilt or the guilt of innocence of someone else. IF anyone deems their communications  are private they should have the right to keep them private..  We as an organization are not owed anything from players or volunteers. It should never be the defendant's obligation to provide evidence of any wrongdoing against themselves or anyone else.. Long story short, We do not have the right to demand personal communication from our players or staff.  It is unethical to Punish someone for not providing “Proof of someone’s guilt”

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