[OWBN-Council][PROPOSAL][BYLAW REVISION] Regulation of Gangrel Bloodlines
Open Votes
Pursuant to bylaw C. iii. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, R&U bylaw revision, R&U named characters, Coordinator-NPC Character Resurrections, territory requests, in character enforced policy, or in character binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.
I, Paul Reynolds, as Gangrel Coordinator, propose the following character by-law revision.
Bylaw Before
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
13. Lhiannon - PC: 2/3 Majority Vote - NPC: Majority Vote - Coordinator: Gangrel
Bylaw After
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
13. Lhiannan - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Gangrel
----------- Bylaw Before ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
15. Ahrimanes - PC: 2/3 Majority Vote - NPC: Majority Vote - Coordinator: Gangrel
---------- Bylaw After ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
15. Ahrimanes - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Gangrel
----------- Bylaw Before ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
16. Anda - PC: 2/3 Majority Vote - NPC: Majority Vote - Coordinator: Gangrel
---------- Bylaw After ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
16. Anda - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Gangrel
----------- Bylaw Before ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
23. Noiad - PC: 2/3 Majority Vote - NPC: Majority Vote - Coordinator: Gangrel
---------- Bylaw After ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
23. Noiad - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Gangrel
----------- Bylaw Before ----------
---------- Bylaw After ----------
10. Controlled Items
m. Vampire Controlled Items
ii. Creature Types
80 Disciples of Anubis PC: Coordinator Controlled - NPC: Coordinator Controlled- Coordinator: Gangrel
Reasoning: Due to the paradigm shift regarding the End Time arriving and many of the Gangrel Elders being woken up and now walking around, the bloodlines would see a resurgence.
Legacy: Allowed
Absolutely not.