[OWBN-Council] [Proposal][Administrative Bylaw Revision] Marketing Budget
Open Votes
I, Sheryl Westleigh, in my position as Marketing Coordinator, do propose the following additional changes to the Administrative Bylaws. This proposal has the support of the Finance Coordinator.
5.E Reporting requirements
i. The Financial Coordinator shall make an annual report and it shall be due Dec. 1 for the year. The Financial Coordinator may request extensions for these dates from the Head Coordinator.
ii. Reports shall include a listing of all chronicles that have paid, costs for the year and current funds available and locations of funds (IE paypal or bank account).
5.E. Marketing Budget
i. The Marketing budget will be $500.00 per year, allocated as invoices are received.
5.F. Reporting requirements
i. The Financial Coordinator shall make an annual report and it shall be due Dec. 1 for the year. The Financial Coordinator may request extensions for these dates from the Head Coordinator.
ii. Reports shall include a listing of all chronicles that have paid, costs for the year and current funds available and locations of funds (IE paypal or bank account).
The Marketing Team is currently doing an immense amount of work solely with either free tools or paying out of our own pockets. A modest marketing budget would allow us to expand what we can do to market the org and assist chronicles with marketing in order to bring in new players and keep current players informed.
What the budget would be spent on:
Software licenses, including software plugins
Stock images, video, and sounds
Printed materials such as flyers, postcards, banners, buttons, etc.
Dropbox Standard (5TB) for archiving materials, the current google drive doesn't have enough storage space to keep the working files for the videos and podcasts which puts us at risk of losing them all if the person editing has any sort of computer failure.