[OWBN-Council] [PROPOSAL] Change to Character Bylaws, 6th Generation NPCs

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 18-Oct-2022 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 26-Oct-2022 12:00AM EDT

I, Adam Sartori, Council Member for Kings of New York Propose the Following Change the Character Bylaws:


x.1. Vampires of 6th Generation or better - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Appropriate Clan Coordinator. In cases of a Clanless character, Sect Coordinator.

Proposed Change

Vampires of 5th Generation or better - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Appropriate Clan Coordinator. In cases of a Clanless character, Sect Coordinator.

Reasoning: As OWBN does not have any sort of organization reset or experience point cap for characters; PCs continue to grow in power and capability. As a result Storytellers are becoming more and more forced to make up new powers, enemies, etc to challenge larger PCs. Currently, Storytellers are only allowed to make NPCs of the 7th generation vampires for their games at Storyteller approval. This change will allow storytellers the ability to create NPCs for their games of up to 6th generation now. This will expand the tool box of the storytellers in the org to accommodate larger PCs without the need to make up new mechanics. Methuselahs will remain Coordinator Approval as those should be rarer things in the world of darkness.

This proposal will require a second!!


Adam Sartori
HST and CM for Kings of New York
Subcoord for: Sabbat, Lasombra, Ravnos, Assamite, Ventrue, Salubri, Tremere, and Hunter

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