[OWBN-Council] [Proposal] Control of Canon NPC - Carlita "Big Sis" Gutierrez
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Displaying output for plurality votingOpen Votes
Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 23-Jun-2022 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 13-Jul-2022 12:00AM EDT
Proposal: I, Gabriel Bradley, as CM of Tampa Bay by Night, propose control for the canon NPC Carlita "Big Sis" Gutierrez for use by the Tampa, FL: Tampa Bay by Night game.
This NPC is listed in the White Wolf books as a NPC at the Wounded Bay location controlled by Tampa, Fl game. We are seeking control of the NPC Garou Carlita "Big Sis" Gutierrez to keep in line with the location and its members. We have contacted the CBC who is aware and approves this proposal.
CM Tampa Bay by Night
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Ballot Options for
59 out of 159 eligible voters cast their ballot
50% (30 votes)
35% (21 votes)
15% (9 votes)