[OWBN-Council] [Proposal][Bylaws] Lasombra & Abyss Lore
Open Votes
Hello Council!
Pursuant to Coordinator bylaw §3.C.iii , as the Lasombra Coordinator, I, Anthony Nordman, propose the following additions to the One World by Night Character Regulation bylaws -
Add to Character bylaw 10.m.i Abilities and Lores the following
xx. Lore: Abyss 4 - PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Lasombra
xx. Lore: Abyss 5 - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Notify - Coordinator: Lasombra
xx. Lore: Lasombra for Non-Lasombra 4 - PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Lasombra
xx. Lore: Lasombra for Non-Lasombra 5 - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Notify - Coordinator: Lasombra
Rationale: High level Abyss Lore is akin to high level Wyrm/Wyld/Weaver Lore, in that it drives you mad with knowing too much, and in turn makes you known to the Abyss. Lasombra Lore is being brought up as levels 4 and 5 due to the clan secrets revealed at such levels.
This has the potential to autopass.
Lasombra Coordinator