[PROPOSAL] Non-Sabbat Benefitting Mechanically From Ritae

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 10-Sep-2021 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 17-Sep-2021 12:00AM EDT

I, Dan Hansen, CM of Cambridge: The Midnight Rose Propose the following change to Character Bylaw 9.c.

Addition to 9.c

Non-Sabbat characters may not mechanically benefit from Ritae, though non-Sabbat may still participate in the Vaulderie.

Bylaw 9.c Before:

The Ritae of the Sabbat, both Auctoritas and Ignobilis, can only be performed by actual members of the Sabbat (i.e. those that have undergone Creation Rites). Ritae performed by non-Sabbat characters automatically fail.

Bylaw 9.c After:

The Ritae of the Sabbat, both Auctoritas and Ignobilis, can only be performed by actual members of the Sabbat (i.e. those that have undergone Creation Rites). Ritae performed by non-Sabbat characters automatically fail. Non-Sabbat characters may not mechanically benefit from Ritae, though non-Sabbat may still participate in the Vaulderie.

Red: Existing portions of Character Bylaw 9.c

Blue: The addition to Character Bylaw 9.c


Cambridge has been informed of some situations where non-Sabbat are taking advantage of Sabbat Ritae to mechanically benefit (such as Blood Feasting, War Parties, or Fire Dances), which goes against the spirit of the current bylaw if not its current wording.

This proposal does not stop the Allegiance ritae from being cast (it has no mechanics), it also does not stop infiltrators from drinking from the vaulderie, or non-Sabbat undergoing the ritae of Allegiance from participating in a vaulderie.

Overall, this proposal is an effort to stop certain genres from cherry picking beneficial mechanics from Sabbat.

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