[Proposal][R&U][Autopass] Regulation of Bygone Beasts

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 27-Aug-2021 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 03-Sep-2021 12:00AM EDT

Hello Council,
   I submit the following addition to the character bylaws for consideration. This is done in agreement with the Mage coordinator.
10.h.ii.11: Bygone Beasts- PC: Coord approval NPC-: Unregulated Coord: Changeling and Mage.
10.j.i.5 Bygone Beasts- PC: Coord approval NPC-: Unregulated Coord: Mage and Changeling
  Rationale: These are a weird creature type from a weird non-LARP book that probably shouldn't exist anymore but do so we'd like to regulate them because they are unregulated and people have made them. Because they do exist and we don't want to gnc them or totally preclude the possibility of others (the current ones haven't been a huge balance threat, it's just kinda silly they exist), we're propping this regulation. Long story short they are like...unicorns, rocs and owlbears from the dark ages that still exist because reasons. 
  Legacy: All current bygone beast PCs have 90 days to submit themselves for approval. They must come into compliance with any requests the joint coords have in order to continue play. This is largely to review their translations of powers (since there are 0 larp rules) and to make sure they aren't hugely disruptive. 
  Thank you for your consideration  

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