[Proposal] [Exception] Leave of Absence extension for Assamite Coordinator [Requires Second]
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Other Public
Opened: 27-Aug-2021 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 03-Sep-2021 12:00AM EDT
I, Danielle Frink, as Head Coordinator, propose that we extend the time limit for our current Assamite Coordinator's leave of absence. Our bylaws currently require him to return to office within 30 days. Given the sheer amount of change to his life right now, he has requested that we extend that to two months. He feels confident that once he gets accustomed to his new responsibilities he will be able to balance his real life with his Coordinator work.
Chase verified with Jesse that he was willing to serve as interim through this extension. I am in full support of granting him the extension.
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