[PROPOSAL] [AMENDED] Website Upgrade Quote
Open Votes
I Andrew Mackenzie, HST and CM of Whispers of Grady propose the following to OWBN:
The Web Coordinator and their subcoords are hereby instructed to procure itemized quotes for upgrading/updating/migration of the OWbN website.
They are hereby authorized and granted permission to put out whatever survey, poll, etc may be required to discover what the Org wants from its new website.
The Webcoordinator and their team are hereby instructed and therefore permitted to procure no less than 3 itemized quotes for upgrading/updating/migration of the OWbN website quotes. This must include migrating a new content management system while maintaining all current functionality at at least its current level.
They may be granted up to a total of $1000 USD from OWbNs current funds to acquire these quotes.
Once the quotes have been acquired, these quotes should be presented to Council with a preferred ranking based on the Web Team's expertise.