[PROPOSAL] [FINAL REVISION] [Amendment to Bylaw D.3.x - Sexual Encounter Plot/Scenes
Open Votes
I Hereby propose an amendment to administrative bylaw D.3.x
Current wording:
3. Sexual Encounter Plot/Scenes
Sexual interactions of any IC nature require the written OOC consent of all parties involved, including STs if NPCs are involved.
This OOC consent must be obtained before any scenes of this nature, regardless of their IC consensual / non-consensual nature, can be run.
This OOC consent may be revoked by any party involved at any time.
The player revoking the consent may choose one of the following re: the IC situation:
Fade to Black (sexual encounter happens, player is not involved)
Retcon the sexual encounter (sexual encounter does not happen)
New Wording:
3. Sexual Encounter Plot/Scenes
Sexual interactions of any IC nature require the written OOC consent of all parties involved, including Volunteers (Storytellers, Coordinators, Subcoordinators) if NPCs are involved.
Sexual Violence as active RP, active plots, scenes or descriptions is disallowed, even with consent. This includes both player to player and volunteer to player scenes and/or plot. While Sexual Violence can be part of a background plot or background for characters (both NPC and PC), this topic cannot be run as a current plot or scenes run either in an online medium or at live games.
For the purpose of this bylaw, Sexual Violence is defined by the United Nations Definition of Sexual Violence which is as follows:
Sexual violence is a form of gender-based violence and encompasses any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted explicit sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting. Sexual violence takes multiple forms and includes rape, sexual abuse, forced pregnancy, forced sterilization, forced abortion, forced prostitution, trafficking, sexual enslavement, forced circumcision, castration, genital mutilation, and forced nudity.
Sexual Violence as defined by this bylaw does NOT include:
Acts that some Countries/Regions/States have created laws against to target minority groups (such as laws that target the LGBTQA+ community) nor does it include flirting, dating, or other normative relationship behaviors.
Acts that would fall under the overarching umbrella of the BDSM/kink community. Provided that consent is obtained for these types of relationships and the interactions therein, they are permitted for interpersonal RP.
Sexual violence in Background Story for PCs/NPCS:
While sexual violence can be known to exist in the World of Darkness and may be part of the backgrounds of characters (PC and NPCs), and graphic notation of this background must be clearly and explicitly labeled as such. Use of all PCs or NPCs for such backstory must be agreed to in writing by the related Player or ST staff who controls the character or approves the background in the case of player-created NPCs for the purpose of backstory.
Characters (NPC or PC) under the age of 18 may not be actively RP’d in sexual scenes or in a sexual manner. (this number is determined by the age of consent of Canada, wherein OWBN is based as a nonprofit organization.)
This OOC consent must be obtained before any scenes of this nature, regardless of their IC consensual/non-consensual nature, can be run.
Volunteers running scenes with sexual content:
Consent given to Volunteers by players for sexual content does not carry from one scene to another and must specifically agree to prior to the scene by all parties involved, every time.
Before executing a scene where consent is required, the volunteer running the scene must first state or otherwise tag the reason for requiring consent.
Examples: “In order to engage in the following scene, all parties must first give their agreement and consent to participate in a scene which involves the following themes: “Sex, BDSM, etc”
In-Person Games - Consent rules apply to all those players who witness events played out in live games, regardless if their PC is directly involved.
All chronicles must have guidelines for physical RP, touching, etc that is allowed during live play, as well as types of scenes allowed during in-person game play posted clearly in the House Rules. Sexual RP cannot be conducted at live games without prior ST permission, and in the manner allowed by each chronicle.
This OOC consent may be revoked by any party involved at any time.
The player revoking the consent may choose one of the following re: the IC situation:
Fade to Black (sexual encounter happens, player is not involved)
Retcon the sexual encounter (sexual encounter does not happen, or the PC is was not in the scene when sexual content occurred - however, all non sexual elements of the scene remain)
You may read the full prop outside of email here:
This prop is to resolve the following:
The current wording does not technically require other types of volunteers (Coordinators, Storytellers) to have to consent to sexual interactions with characters they run, which is a loophole that should be closed.
Backstory is sometimes a collaborative effort between two or more Players (in the case of IC backstory connections) or Players and ST Staff or even Player and Coordinator offices. Use of another character under the control of a different player or org volunteer should be known and agreed too by all affected parties.
While it is easier to IC/OOC remove consent in ongoing interactions between two or more PCs, it becomes difficult to remove consent in the changing RP that occurs over time as run in active game play by an ST. Thus it is important that Volunteers always must ask before they proceed with sexual scenes or descriptions.
Finally, I don’t feel that I need to elaborate how the active RP of sexual violence does not fit in this org. The game is supposed to be fun. It should be comfortable for people to play. Nobody EVER should have to state that they don’t want to RP out a sexually violent scene. For many players in our org, who have experienced assault, even the question would be traumatic.
This prop has been revised to accommodate the concerns of multiple games, and so I am going to let it remain now as a final draft. Thank you everyone for your consideration and thoughtful discussion.
In Service,
This is far from a loophole closure as the post says but a vast expansion of the policy. In the grander scope it's part of the never political campaign to force everyone to comply with Victim culture and pick out which topics deserve top victim status. We will not support this but recommend personal accountability where adults make adult decisions for themselves. If you can't handle a certain type of adult content - remove yourself from the situation like an adult, don't expect everyone else to change what they are doing for your personal benefit and don't try to force your moral code on everyone else. Or better yet... have a conversation with people if something bothers you. Instead of encouraging human to human interaction/conversation where focused on punishing those who don't conform.