[Proposal][Bylaws] Regulated “items” no Legacy[Amend]

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Open Votes

Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 12-Apr-2021 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 19-Apr-2021 12:00AM EDT

I, Will Lee (With Nny’s words!), CM of Bartow Badlands propose the following addition to the character bylaws.




10. e. viiii. Items/Backgrounds/Objects currently regulated by existing bylaws must be Notified or Approved by appropriate Coordinator when temporary or permanent transfer of such is made between characters even if the item/background/object was previously Notified or Approved. Notification or Approval must also be made if an item/background/object is acquired by a character that makes such fall under current bylaw regulations outside of character to character transfer. This is required before the item/background/object is allowed back in play or the character can benefit from such. PC: Coordinator Notify or Approval as Appropriate. NPC: Coordinator Notify or Approval as Appropriate. Coordinator: Varies


1.       The currently regulated item/background/object must also be purchased and placed on the character sheet in the manner of the originating genre’s rules/standardization. 



Legacy: None.


Reasoning: This is to give clarification and close the existing loophole of items/backgrounds/objects being allowed into play under no or lesser regulation because of starting possession of the genre of the character in question. Also to provide guidance and regulation of genre specific items/backgrounds/objects transferring from one genre to another.

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