[PROPOSAL] [Autopass] Character Bylaw 10.M.viii - 68. Combination Discipline: Typhonic Beast (Take Two)

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 21-Mar-2021 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 21-Mar-2021 12:05AM EDT

Pursuant to bylaw C. iii. Genre Coordinators must pass before Council any plot, R&U bylaw revision, R&U named characters, Coordinator-NPC Character Resurrections, territory requests, in character enforced policy, or in character binding edict they wish to use which they can reasonably expect to affect multiple chronicles and these proposals need not be seconded, but go immediately into discussion.



 I, Scott Logan, as Follower of Set Coordinator, propose the following changes to the OWBN character bylaws. 

This has the potential to Autopass, and may be shared with players/staff.

Bylaws Previously

Typhonic Beast was never regulated via Bylaw.   It was regulated by Genre Packet 4.0 - current, and ratified in Global Plot in 2008.


Bylaws if Passed

This proposal will add to Character Bylaw 10.M.viii

68. Combination Discipline: Typhonic Beast - PC: Varies - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set

  1. Follower of Set, Warrior Bloodline - PC: Coordinator Notification - NPC: Not Regulated - Coordinator: Follower of Set

  2. Follower of Set, Warrior Caste - PC: Coordinator Notification - NPC: Coordinator Notification - Coordinator: Follower of Set

    1. This includes Apostates and Initiates who join the Warrior Caste

  3. Follower of Set (regardless of Bloodline) who is not Warrior Bloodline or Caste - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC - Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Follower of Set.

  4. Non-Follower of Set or Follower of Set Bloodline - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Disallowed - Coordinator: Follower of Set





As seen in former Follower of Set Coordinator, Sarah Himebaugh, (http://www.owbn.net/votes/54895) was the Plot Proposal which ratified with story the decision to restrict Typhonic Beast in Genre Packet 4.0-current.    While the Proposal is short, it explains that the Eternal of Sothis Thane Hyksos awoke from torpor supposedly by the voice of Set himself, ired by the fouling of his blood by the servants of Osiris.   Thane Hyksos, then forced his will and anger upon every being who held setite blood, shattering Blood Bonds as well as revoking Set’s War Form (Typhonic Beast).   Only allowing his warriors and those he deems worthy to retain the ability.

A Proposal which passed, 96 votes in favor and 8 votes against.   The proposal was a Global Plot which permanently changed the genre of the Org.  As it was such a permanent Genre Change, that was voted on - it was never added to the bylaws.

For the last 13 years, this has been the “Status Quo”.   Thane Hyksos has been awake and attaché to the Dream Court as described; remained a fairly distant Hierophant all things considered -  keeping focus on the Warrior Bloodline.   However in the past several years with a PC Warrior rising to General of Egypt and then General of North America.   There has been an increase in visibility regarding the warrior genre, as a PC is now out being involved, organizing, and reporting in.   Over these past few years, Stacey and now myself have learned of an ever increasing frequency that because this is not specifically listed in the bylaws there are games which are allowing this power to be learned/purchased and have allowed such for non-Bloodline-warriors - despite being previously outlawed in plot approved change in genre.




No Legacy will be allowed.
This proposal ratifies an already existing rule that was not explicitly required but due to current culture requires that it is explicitly detailed.   OWbN Follower of Set Genre since 2008 is that characters who lose this power, should have not had this power.





Q. What does this prop do?
A. It removes the Combo Discipline from all Characters whom are not Bloodline Warriors


Q. What about Warrior Caste Characters?
A. These characters need to submit a typical R&U Request with the Setite Office, Detailing who taught them the power and why.   So long as the character is known to be of the Warrior Caste and was taught by Another Warrior Caste or Bloodline Warrior, their request will be approved.


Q. Is Experience Points Refunded for this removal?
A. Experience Points are the sole authority of the character’s home chronicle, although it would be the recommendation from the Follower of Set office, that the experience points are refunded.


Q. Does this proposal bring back Crystal Pepsi?
A. No, here in the Follower of Set office we prefer Karkade.  If there was anything we were going to bring back, it would be Set  - Prop coming soon.

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