[PROPOSAL][AMENDMENT] Change to the Character Bylaw 7, Custom Content
Open Votes
I, Adam Sartori, HST and CM of Kings of New York Proposes the following change to Character Bylaw 7.
7. Custom Content
a. Defined as any sort of power, item or similar listings which has not been printed in a White Wolf/Onyx Path/CCP book.
b. Creating Custom Content (Notification items apply to Vampire Players and their playable characters (PCs) only. Items designated as Coordinator (coord) Approval apply to both PCs and NPCs)
i. Blood Magic, including both Paths and Rituals, requires the previous approval of the appropriate Coordinator for the Blood Magic in accordance with Coordinator Bylaws (Section 3.C.ii.6.a)
1. Custom Paradigms of Blood Magic - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Disallowed
ii. Disciplines, Combination Disciplines, Discipline Techniques, and Merits that give access to abilities that mimic supernatural powers (published merits that give mechanical advantages are not considered mimicking powers) requires Notification to the Coordinator responsible for the Clan/Discipline/Genre of the character creating the custom content unless otherwise specified below:
1.Combination Disciplines and/or Techniques which require a component of either Blood Magic or a clan-specific Discipline also requires Notification to the Coordinator responsible for the Blood Magic paradigm or clan-specific Discipline.
2. Caitiff and Panders are overseen by the appropriate Sect Coordinator
3. Custom Combination Discipline or Technique using Protean, Spiritus, and/or Ogham requires Gangrel Coordinator Approval
4. Custom Combination Discipline or Technique using Chimerstry requires Ravnos Coordinator Approval
5. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Temporis requires Brujah Coordinator Approval
6. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Dementation requires Malkavian Coordinator Approval for Non-Malkavians
7. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique, or other custom content using Flight and/or Visceratika requires Tremere Coordinator Approval
8. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Quietus, Hematus, Minhit Dume, Cruscitus, or Sorcerer Quietus requires Assamite Coordinator Approval
9. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Dur-An-Ki, Assamite Sorcery, or Sihr requires Assamite Coordinator Approval
10. Custom Combination Disciplines, Technique or other custom content using Daimonion requires Demon Coordinator Approval
11. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique, or other custom content using Obtenebration requires Lasombra Coordinator Approval
12. Custom Combination Discipline or Technique using Abombwe requires Anarch Coordinator Approval
13. Custom Combination Discipline, Technique or other custom content using Valeren or Obeah requires Salubri Coordinator Approval
iii. Custom Infernal Investments requires Demon Coordinator Approval
iv. Custom powers or item which allows the detection of Infernalism, or Demons, Fallen, or Earth bound requires Demon Coordinator Approval
v. Custom Abyss Mysticism Rituals requires Lasombra Coordinator Approval
vi. Salubri Custom Blooding Rituals requires Salubri Coordinator Approval
vii. Paths of Enlightenment, including customized versions of existing/printed Paths of Enlightenment
1. Notified to the Sect Coordinator appropriate to the character. For members of Independent Clans who are not part of a Sect, notification is to the Coordinator responsible for the character's Clan. These Clans are as follows:
a. Assamites
b. Baali
c. Followers of Set
d. Gangrel
e. Giovanni
f. Ravnos
g. Samedi
viii. Ritae with Mechanical Advantages - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval – Coordinator: Sabbat
ix. Custom Demon the Fallen Lores, and Fallen Rituals - PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator Demon
x. Custom Content that alters experience point costs - PC: Disallowed - NPC: Disallowed
1. Custom content that has additional benefits beside experience altering properties may still be purchased, but may not utilize the benefits of the experience point alterations contained in said custom content
7. Custom Content
a. Defined as any sort of power, item or similar listings which has not been printed in a White Wolf/Onyx Path/CCP book/Council Approved OWBN Packet.
b. Custom Content is disallowed for all PCs of the Vampire the Masquerade Genre in OWBN.
Remove everything else in Character Bylaw 7.
Couple of things first as to why I am propping this. Firstly, no I did not consult the coordinators for this proposal. Secondly I am not Pro or Against this proposal. I can see both sides of the arguments. So then why am I proposing this? We have never actually voted to decide to a flat if we will not allow Custom Content for vampire. I wanted to have that discussion and vote on the matter once and for all. I do think Custom Content has become a growing problem that needs to be addressed. As for me personally? I have custom content on my PCs, I am personally ok with losing it if this vote passes. Also of note, this proposal doesn’t touch any other genre, just vampire.
So, please don’t rip my head off for this prop. I haven’t decided this is a hill to die on. I just think it is something we should discuss the pros and cons of, and vote on it. Here is my personal list of Pros and Cons
· Even playing field. All players have access to the same powers and information of the rules and what to expect when they travel.
· Removes some of the more unbalancing custom powers and items in the org.
· All powers are based on the printed rules as a base line and not variations of personal preferences of each opinion of the rules by a person.
· Removes a creative tool kit for STs and Players
· Removes an ability for characters to feel unique
The topic of banning all custom content comes up at least once a year. I would like to actually have a vote to point to when those come up. As I believe in civil discussions on topics like this and the democratic voting process.
We do not believe this evens the playing field. It simply allows those characters whose STs let them have access to cross-sect disciplines and other book printed powers to be able to better power game, as they know they have a counter to every PvP situation. Many characters in our game will never be approved to learn a lot of what is out there and on high point sheets. Custom content does not just allow people to be creative, it also keeps others on their toes, as they cannot presume what another kindred is able to do. We also feel this is too all-encompassing and uneven. This removes so much more than powers; as written it removes anything someone could interpret as "custom" including abilities for crafts and merits. We would prefer reasonable limitations be blanketly imposed on how much enhancement a custom power or item can give.