[Proposal] [Character Bylaws] [Amendment 1] XP Cost for Unconverted Combination Disciplines
Open Votes
I, Chase Jelliffe, in my duties as Council Member of Rage and Fury, hereby propose the following Bylaw changes.
There was recently a discussion - I believe on the ST list - about XP costs for unconverted Combo Disciplines, and whether the bylaws permitted adjustment. This proposal would set a standard for all Combo Disciplines which do not have printed or packet MET conversions.
This proposal carries the support of the Demon, Camarilla, Assamite and Ventrue Coordinators.
Bylaws Now
3. Experience Points
d. The standard baseline for OWbN XP costs are the ones detailed in the most recent printing of the classic MET material published by White Wolf. In general, this means revised classic MET, though in the cases of games that did not get a revised printing (Changeling, Wraith, etc) the previous edition is used.
i. Increases to the standard XP costs are allowable for all items.
ii.Reductions to the standard XP cost are allowable for the following items:
1.Backgrounds (including Influences)
iii.Variations must be noted in the game's House Rules.
iv.Rituals purchased by characters possessing Blood Magic of any type, may only receive free rituals for their primary path in a paradigm. All additional rituals must be purchased at the cost of 2/4/6 for Basic/Intermediate/Advanced rituals, they may not be given free of XP charge.
Bylaws After:
3. Experience Points
d. The standard baseline for OWbN XP costs are the ones detailed in the most recent printing of the classic MET material published by White Wolf. In general, this means revised classic MET, though in the cases of games that did not get a revised printing (Changeling, Wraith, etc) the previous edition is used.
i. Increases to the standard XP costs are allowable for all items.
ii.Reductions to the standard XP cost are allowable for the following items:
1.Backgrounds (including Influences)
iii.Variations must be noted in the game's House Rules.
iv.Rituals purchased by characters possessing Blood Magic of any type, may only receive free rituals for their primary path in a paradigm. All additional rituals must be purchased at the cost of 2/4/6 for Basic/Intermediate/Advanced rituals, they may not be given free of XP charge.
v. Combo Disciplines with no printed or OWBN packet MET conversion shall cost an amount of experience equal to ½ the listed tabletop cost, rounded down
I’ve seen this discussion a couple of times, including once this term, and it seems to be an ongoing problem that could be cleaned up with a single line in the bylaws. Many Combos get conversions in OWBN packets, but not all, and this line item would cover all such instances with a single clean rule, eliminating ambiguity and conflict between how different chronicles handle the situation.
I’ve got some conversions for Daimoinon Combos in the various packets from previous terms, but I don’t know that it's at all exhaustive, and I don’t plan to re-examine those this term. I believe other Coords are in a similar situation.
Change Log
10/2 - Changed to ‘round down’ and added 90 window to come into compliance in order to avoid risk of characters in xp debt
Any character who paid higher costs for unconverted Combo Disciplines would be reimbursed the difference in experience points if this proposal passes. All characters would be given 90 days from the passing of this prop to come into compliance.
Thank you to David Niemitz, the Demon Coordinator, for writing up this proposal.
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