[Proposal][Coordinator Bylaws] Interim Coordinators
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 25-Sep-2020 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 02-Oct-2020 12:00AM EDT
Whispers of Grady proposes the following change to the Coordinator Bylaws.
This is a CM Proposal, it requires a second in order to go to vote. "Formal Objections" are representing by voting, they in of themself do not affect the proposal
Bylaws Before
3.A.4The Head Coordinator may appoint an Interim Coordinator to temporarily fill the position of an Elected or Appointed Coordinator until said Coordinator can return to their duties. The appointee will be treated as an official Coordinator.
a. This Interim Coordinator may fill the position as appointed by the Head Coordinator for up to thirty days. Any extension beyond those thirty days must be approved by Council. If the extension is unapproved by Council, Special Elections will then begin, per Administrative Bylaw 4.C.
b. The appointment of an Interim Coordinator will be announced to Council and ST lists, and that announcement may be distributed to the players from there.
Bylaws After
3.A.4The Head Coordinator may appoint an Interim Coordinator to temporarily fill the position of an Elected or Appointed Coordinator until said Coordinator can return to their duties. The appointee will be treated as an official Coordinator.
a. This Interim Coordinator may fill the position as appointed by the Head Coordinator for up to thirty days. Any extension beyond those thirty days must be approved by Council. If the extension is unapproved by Council, Special Elections will then begin, per Administrative Bylaw 4.C.
b. The appointment of an Interim Coordinator will be announced to Council and ST lists, and that announcement may be distributed to the players from there.
Bylaws Before
3.A.4The Head Coordinator may appoint an Interim Coordinator to temporarily fill the position of an Elected or Appointed Coordinator until said Coordinator can return to their duties. The appointee will be treated as an official Coordinator.
a. This Interim Coordinator may fill the position as appointed by the Head Coordinator for up to thirty days. Any extension beyond those thirty days must be approved by Council. If the extension is unapproved by Council, Special Elections will then begin, per Administrative Bylaw 4.C.
b. The appointment of an Interim Coordinator will be announced to Council and ST lists, and that announcement may be distributed to the players from there.
Bylaws After
3.A.4The Head Coordinator may appoint an Interim Coordinator to temporarily fill the position of an Elected or Appointed Coordinator until said Coordinator can return to their duties. The appointee will be treated as an official Coordinator.
a. This Interim Coordinator may fill the position as appointed by the Head Coordinator for up to thirty days. Any extension beyond those thirty days must be approved by Council. If the extension is unapproved by Council, Special Elections will then begin, per Administrative Bylaw 4.C.
b. The appointment of an Interim Coordinator will be announced to Council and ST lists, and that announcement may be distributed to the players from there.
c. Interim Coordinators have all the powers of the coordinator whose position they are filling except for proposing national plots and proposing alterations to bylaws.
The purpose of an interim coord is to keep their office running until the head coordinator or council can decide on a replacement. Not to make significant changes.
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Ballot Options For
Interim Coords are usually selected from the current Coord's team. They should be able to prop something that the outgoing Coord and their team(read they themselves) had been working on. This is prop is unnecessary as whatever prop an interim Coord puts forth is still subject to Council Vote. It is also unnecessary by-law bloat.