[CHANGING BREEDS] Extended Possession Bylaw Update [BYLAWS]
Open Votes
Pursuant to Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.iii, as the Changing Breeds Coordinator, I, Dora Jay, in my duties as said Coordinator, do propose the following changes to the Character Bylaws.
It should be noted this proposal carries with it the support of the Demon Coordinator and carries with it the potential to autopass
Bylaws Now
Extended Play Supernatural Possessed - PC: Majority Vote - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Changing Breeds
Considered to be continued play beyond 6 months from the date the character comes to fall under one of these categories. The vote needs to be proposed before the 6 months mark or be shelved until the vote concludes.
Any supernatural entity possessed or inhabited by a Triatic or Gaian Spirit or gaining Spirit-based powers, benefits, or taints in a manner consistent with being a Kami, Drone or Fomori. Does not include any creature defined elsewhere in the bylaws as Semi-Supernatural.
Triatic Spirits are defined as Spirits of the Weaver, Wyld, or Wyrm.
Does not apply to supernatural and human Gorgons as they are created exclusively from naturally occurring animals, plants, or minerals.
Does not include any creature defined elsewhere in the bylaws as Semi-Supernatural except for the following Semi Supernatural Templates:
Bylaws After
Supernatural Possessed - PC: Coordinator Approval- NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Changing Breeds
Supernaturally Possessed PCS are defined as any supernatural entity possessed or inhabited by a Triatic Spirit, defined as Spirits of the Weaver, Wyld, or Wyrm, for the purpose of gaining Spirit-based powers benefits, or taints in a manner consistent with being a Kami, Drone or Fomori not originating from a Demonic spirit,-
This does not include any creature defined elsewhere in the bylaws as Semi-Supernatural except for the following Semi Supernatural Templates:
This bylaw also does not apply to supernatural and human Gorgons as they are created exclusively from naturally occurring animals, plants, or minerals
Initial Possession
For the first six months of play, a Supernaturally Possessed PC is subject to the provisions of their initial Coordinator Approval
Extended Play is considered to be the entire life of the PC beyond 6 months from the date of the original approval
In order to remain in extended play, a Supernaturally Possessed PC must check in with the Changing Breeds Coordinator every 6 months
At each 6 month mark, the possessed individual will be re-evaluated OOCly to represent the IC mechanics of the struggle to remain in control while possessed
There is a 14 day window around each 6 month mark in which the check in must occur.
This is to mirror the bump bump pass bylaw.
If the Coordinator is unresponsive after 14 days, things continue exactly as they did the last six months
If the Storyteller or Player are unresponsive after 14 days, the Fomori is shelved until such time as the check in occurs
If the check in does not occur by the 9 month mark, the shelved Supernatural Possessed PC is automatically and permanently administratively removed from play.
This removal is at the sole discretion of the Changing Breeds Coordinator
Disputes, if they occur, shall be mediated by the Executive Team
The Decision of the Executive Team on such mediation will be considered final, reversible only by a Council Vote.
The PC may not be resurrected by their Storytellers within six months.
The PC may not gain XP during this time.
Should real life occur and a shelving of the PC be required for OOC reasons, the PC may be shelved up to two years with no penalty as listed above.
Extended Possession
After the first six months, a Supernaturally Possessed PC will be considered to be a Supernaturally Possessed PC in Extended Play. The rules and guidelines for an extended play Supernaturally Possessed PC are as follows
First and foremost, I want to give STs more things to play with in their games and Fomori of all flavors are an easy appropriate villain an ST should have a much easier time of accessing if that is the type of plot they want to run in their game.
Second, possession was a huge hot button topic last term and the biggest piece of feedback we got on this topic was that the bylaws were too simplistic and didn’t explain enough on what was / wasn’t expected for PCs that wish to potentially become fomori.
Finally, in an effort to make things as streamlined as possible org wide, we also wanted possession rules to be similar to rules for other types of possession so that STs do not have to learn different processes to help PCs obtain things they’d like to obtain IC.
N/A as we have no extended play Fomori PCs currently in play.
Why are you adding so much text? Doesn’t this contribute to Bylaw Bloat?
I want these changes to be completely transparent and open to the view of anyone considering taking their character in this direction. There was no transparency or ease of access last term on Fomori supernats and how they work and that was a huge huge problem. We don’t want to see that happen again.
What is the difference between a demonic spirit and an umbral triadic spirit?
From Dave’s side of this: Before White Wolf printed Demon: The Fallen, they printed a lot of material about infernalism, demons, and hell in other game lines. Not all of those things neatly fit into the Fallen box, and so we have a catch-all category of ‘demonic spirits.’ Basically, if it looks like a demon, quacks like a demon, but doesn’t list ‘Fallen’ as it’s creature type, it’s a demonic spirit.
Why the 6 month check in?
Two reasons, one IC, one OOC. From the IC perspective, a Fomori of any flavor is an entity that is two or more ‘beings’ struggling for control of the host. From the OOC perspective, Fomori charms have a broad power spectrum and need some degree of control over how and when they’re allotted out to creatures that already have a full template to ensure overall org balance.