[Proposal][Bylaw] Change to coordinator election voting (Post Assamite special election)
Open Votes
I, William Lee, CM of Barto, Florida, propose the following change to our administrative bylaws. This will not take affect until after the current elections are finished (See assamite special election).
Reasoning: Pick your candidate. I dont believe ranked voting helps the org, and can lead to confusion. Simply pick the one you think will do the best, and call it a day. No THAC0 voting needed.
I encourage multiple people to run for offices. Heck, I encourage people to run for multiple offices if they want to do the work, but each CM gets one vote. That vote should be cast towards the candidate they want, not 1,2,3,4 and so on.
4.D.iv. In any coordinator election where there are 3 of more candidates, a ranked voting system / instant-runoff voting shall be used