[Proposal] [Bylaw] [Addendum] Vicente de las Navas de Tolosa's Holy Shield[OBJECTION] [Re-prop due to Web Site Crash]
Open Votes
Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 16-Sep-2019 12:00AM EDT
Closing: 23-Sep-2019 12:00AM EDT
Per the upcoming packet -
Vicente de las navas de tolosa’s holy shield
Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary edition page 317
This power is Lasombra Coordinator Approval
System: Rather than needing to score a minimum number of successes, the user of the combo is up a number of traits equal to their Obtenebration rating. The target of this combo must bid an additional number of traits equal to the user’s Path rating. Otherwise use as written. XP Cost: 4
Vicente de las navas de tolosa’s holy shield
Vampire the Dark Ages 20th Anniversary edition page 317
This power is Lasombra Coordinator Approval
System: Rather than needing to score a minimum number of successes, the user of the combo is up a number of traits equal to their Obtenebration rating. The target of this combo must bid an additional number of traits equal to the user’s Path rating. Otherwise use as written. XP Cost: 4
I have no plan to enforce BAs around this power unless it becomes an issue.
latest jordans【国内 12/17 発売】ナイキ エア マックス 95 OG "ネオン/イエローグラデーション" (NIKE AIR MAX 95 OG "NEON/YELLOW GRADATION") [CT1689-001] , Fullress , スニーカー発売日 抽選情報 ニュースを掲載!ナイキ ジョーダン ダンク シュプリーム SUPREME 等のファッション情報を配信!
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