[OBJECTION] [proposal][genre][packet][auto-pass] Geomancy Packet Round 2!
Status message
Displaying output for plurality votingOpen Votes
Proposal Type: Genre Packet
Opened: 28-Feb-2019 12:00AM EST
Closing: 07-Mar-2019 12:00AM EST
Heya everyone!
Thanks for Chris and Adam's help in turning my poor technology and grammar skills into something readable.
Thanks Patrick for the suggestion on adding time into casting (see the ability requirement under casting). Was the best compromise we could think of!
I, William Lee, as Ravnos Coord, propose the following packet! No bylaw changes need to occur, as they already have!
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Ballot Options For
48 out of 158 eligible voters cast their ballot
52% (25 votes)
44% (21 votes)
4% (2 votes)