[proposal][bylaw][SECONDED] Removal of Custom Paradigms of Magic
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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 29-Dec-2018 12:00AM EST
Closing: 05-Jan-2019 12:00AM EST
I, William Lee, as CM of Lakeland: FNS, propose the following addition to the Character Bylaws:
7.b.i.1 Custom Paradigms of Blood Magic PC: Disallowed NPC: Disallowed
This requires a second
Reason: This shouldn’t be a thing. There is more then enough blood magic out there, custom unregulated blood magic is just a bad thing.
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Ballot Options For
51 out of 157 eligible voters cast their ballot
57% (29 votes)
33% (17 votes)
10% (5 votes)
Chronicle/Position | Voted for | Comment |
Dubuque, IA - USA, Kingdom of Ashes | Abstain | |
New York City, NY - USA, Kings of New York | Against | No tangible proof that a single PC in our org even has one and combined with regulation on npcs...when I can literally make up powers for them anyways is a no. Besides even if there was one PC with a custom paradigm...they can and have just made them custom combi powers instead. |
St. Louis, MO - USA, Shadows of St. Louis | For | |
Los Angeles, CA - USA, La Sangre De Los Angeles | For | |
São Paulo, SP - Brazil, São Paulo by Night | Against | |
Saint Paul, MN - USA, Obsidian Towers | For | |
Curitiba, PR - Brazil, Curitiba By Night | For | |
La Crosse, WI - USA, The Rivers Edge | Against | |
Iowa City, IA - USA, Fields of Rage | For | |
Berkeley, CA - USA, Wasting the Dawn | For | |
Stockton, CA - USA, Stockton by Night | For | |
Milwaukee, WI - USA, Nocturnal Rapture | For | |
Peoria, IL - USA, The Shattered Mirror | For | |
Tampa, FL - USA, Tampa Bay by Night | Against | |
Evansville, IN - USA, Paradise Lost | Abstain | |
Bartow, FL - USA, Polk County Prophecies | For | There are other avenues to find approvals then leaving an easily abusable loophole instead of handling inactive coordinators. This also doesn’t ban custom paths in any way, just complete custom paradigms. |
Cedar Rapids, IA - USA, Five Nights | Against | It's NOT about what is already out there. It is about creative control of content in one's own stories. The more we regulate this stuff, the more we limit the stories we can tell. As it is an ST is faced with player push back when they try to run anything that is not covered by a bylaw as if only what is in the bylaws should be allowed. They then (incorrectly) determine that the ST is cheating or similar. |
Fredericksburg, VA - USA, Caine's Chosen: Liberty in Death | For | |
Norwalk, CT - USA, Rails of Revolution | For | |
Providence, RI - USA, Hidden Flame | Abstain | |
Griffin, GA - USA, Immortal Nights Theater | Against | Griffin does not tend to like regulations that discourage player creativity. We feel that if something is built in an unbalanced way, the responsibility to say no should fall to individual storytellers in individual games. |
Brasília, DF - Brazil, Pacis Aeternae | For | |
Allentown, PA - USA, Steel Valley by Night | For | |
Macon, GA - USA, Stolen Hours | For | Every possible role play variation of a new custom Paradigm of Magic is create-able though existing paradigms. New Age Anarch, Old School Anarch, Hermetic Thaumaturgy and Infernal magic encompass self empowerment, external spiritual enlightenment, proto-scientific study and external granting of power. Mechanically (which is what bylaws are about, mechanics) the only need for any other Paradigm is purely to avoid having to go to these sources to get permissions from these already existing Coordinators. Simply stated, any possible new custom Paradigm easily fits into one of those generic templates. Custom Paradigms are not necessary. (Although I am in favor of a 2/3rds majority vote so we can see people's reasons for why somone might try to justify the need for a custom paradigm rather than hiding it behind lack of knowledge). |
Cincinnati, OH - USA, Shadows of Cincinnati | Against | |
Columbus, OH - USA, Columbus in Darkness | For | |
Ouro Preto, MG - Brazil, Dying of the Light | For | |
Lexington, KY - USA, Panders Playground | Against | It shouldn't be disallowed for NPCs. Also, I think there should be a note that there is an exception to Coordinator created paradigms. |
Gary, IN - USA, Shattered Souls | Against | No real evidence presented to justify it. |
Savannah, GA - USA, City of Shadows | For | |
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Mall | Against | The concern about Custom Paradigms,That they will have all the overpowered rituals and in one neat package, and thus be a way to get around their restrictions, is a valid one but in my mind better justifies this some form of R&U than a blanket ban. I know there is a concern that there is "too much blood magic" but we've already let in the most eggregious examples from the books its no worse that someone develop something based on real research than... say New Age bullshit. |
Kenosha, WI - USA, Memento Mori | For | |
Boston, MA - USA, Reclaimed | For | |
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil, City of Wonders | For | |
Los Angeles, CA - USA, Dark Side of the Moon | Abstain | |
Green Bay, WI - USA, Shattered Dreams | Against | This would stifle player creativity, which I feel this Org needs more of. Many players are getting discouraged to play by all the hand tying in the Org. I get why this was put up, but I'd rather see it listed as RnU than a complete ban. Some players despite the amount of role play they have put in, are denied for whatever reason; leaving them the only recourse they have...coming up with something of their own. If they are creative enough to do this, I feel having it as a RnU would be regulation enough. |
Athens, GA - USA, Athens After Dark | Against | |
Gimli, MB - Canada, Sang Nordique | For | |
St. Augustine, FL - USA, On Haunted Ground | For | |
Northern Virginia, VA - USA, Night Falls | Against | |
Annapolis, MD - USA, Vitae Aeternus | For | |
Springfield, OH - USA, Ohio Knights Sabbat | Against | This proposal doesn't do anything if it doesn't address the greater custom content issue. There's nothing in this proposal that would actually prevent the abuse they're looking to close off, the players that would abuse custom paradigms will just make custom combos to get what they want. |
Edwardsville, IL - USA, Caught in Eternal Twilight | Abstain | |
Chicago, IL - USA, New Moon Rising | For | |
Worcester County, MA - USA, Quabbin | For | |
Hartford, CT - USA, Dark Colony | For | |
Bloomington, IL - USA, Zephyr of Darkness | For | |
Bridgeport, CT - USA, Bridgeport by Night: The Broken City | Against | |
Washington, DC - USA, Shadows on the Horizon | Against | |
Lancaster, OH - USA, Webs of Fate | For | |
Tampa, FL - USA, Orlando: Magic Kingdom | Against | Given the attempt of local (Tampa Bay) area PCs to acquire blood magic from various coordinators and having been turned down by all of them regardless of the amount of RP they put in (literally years) I cannot in good conscience vote for a regulation that would limit what is apparently the only avenue to acquiring blood magic that these PCs have access to. This comment has been revised 1 time. Click here to see revision history Version 2 dated: Dec 29 2018, 3:34pm EST Given the attempt of local (Tampa Bay) area PCs to acquire blood magic from various coordinators and having been turned down by all of them regardless of the amount of RP they put in (literally years) I cannot in good conscience vote for a regulation that would limit what is apparently the only avenue to acquiring blood magic that these PCs have access to. |
Given the attempt of local area PCs to acquire blood magic from various coordinators and having been turned down by all of them regardless of the amount of RP they put in (literally years) I cannot in good conscience vote for a regulation that would limit what is apparently the only avenue to acquiring blood magic that these PCs have access to.