[Proposal] Bylaw Change: Clarifying Authority of Sub-Coordinators Regarding R&U Items
Open Votes
I, Jeff Cauley, Council Member of Baltimore by Night: Dark Harbor, do hereby propse the following changes to the Coordinator and Character Bylaws. The purpose of these alterations is to (a.) govern how R&U items are approved by Coordinators and (b.) clarify the abilities of their Sub-Coordinators in regards to this approval process. These Bylaws are simply codifying existing practices of several Coordinator offices and understood policies.
This proposal requires a second.
As this proposal is a Bylaw change, it may be publicly shared.
Coordinator Bylaw 3.B.ii
To this end, Sect Coordinators shall receive all powers outlined to Clan Coordinators in Section 3.C.ii & 3.C.iii as directly related to the duties outlined in Section 3.B.i.
To this end, Sect Coordinators shall receive all powers outlined to Genre Coordinators in Section 3.C.ii & 3.C.iii as directly related to the duties outlined in Section 3.B.i.
(In the Bylaws, Clan Coordinators had been redefined as Genre Coordinators)
Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.ii.5
They may delegate any of the above powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
They may remove these Sub-Coordinators at will, and Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
Coordinators are responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council.
They may delegate any of their assigned powers to one or more Sub-Coordinators, who they will hold responsibility over.
They may remove these Sub-Coordinators at will, and Council may remove these Sub-Coordinators with a majority vote.
Coordinators are responsible for all disputed issues that are brought before Council.
When delegating the authority to approve and/or deny regulated items to their Sub-Coordiantors,certain notifications need to be made:
The authority to approve/deny certain items to a Sub-Coordinator must be notified to the Archivists and Executive Team
The Web Coordinator and their team shall be notified so that these permission can be updated on the website.
This authority must be granted in advance of any Sub-Coordinator approvals/denials. A 4,cannot approve/deny an item for which they have not been previously given permission by their Genre Coordinator.
Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.ii.8
Genre Coordinators have the ability to regulate and approve/deny non-Blood Magic specific items that fall under the auspices of their genre.
Adding new regulated items to the Character Bylaws will require a Council Vote
The entry into the Bylaws must include the rarity level for PCs, NPCs, and the controlling Coordinator.
Blood Magic is regulated as listed above.
Character Bylaw 10.C.ii
Items that require Coordinator Approval have to be answered by the responsible Coordinator within 14 days of the request being sent to the proper e-mail or contact form as defined by the Coordinator
Items that require Coordinator Approval have to be answered by the responsible Coordinator or one of their appropriately assigned Sub-Coordinators (per Coordinator Bylaw 3.C.ii.5.c) within 14 days of the request being sent to the proper e-mail or contact form as defined by the Coordinator
4. Once a response of approval or denial is provided within the allotted time, no further response from the Coordinator or their Sub-Coordinators is required and the matter is considered resolved.
While the conversation can continue after the approval/denial is provided, non-response does not reset the period as a response of approval or denial has already been provided.