Territory Listings

Short Descriptionsort descending City County State/Province Country Notes Claimed By
Vatican City Vatican City Vatican

Joint Approval: No

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Actions: Coordinator Approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Backgrounds: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Actions: Coordinator Approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Actions: Coordinator Approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator Approval

VM - Stovington - DNA Facility (Fictitious Location) Stovington, VM United States

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility:  Fictious Location - Building only

Notes:  Book of the Weaver

Joint Approval: No

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds: Coordinator Notify
Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Actions: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Backgrounds: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Actions: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds: Coordinator Notify

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Actions: Coordinator Notify

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator Notify

Sports brandsAir Jordan

Changing Breeds
Worldwide - Coord Level NPC Chantries

Geographical Specifics of Responsibility:  These are only the Chantry buildings themselves and would include the chantries for the 7 Councilors, 49 Pontifices, 330+ Lords, and all the random House and Secret Societies. It does not include anything or anyone outside of those chantries and to interact outside of the Tremere Coordinator controlled building requires permission and adjudication of those parties normally in charge of that location. Any territory coming from a current game must be freely given over and be logged with the Admissions Coord. If permission for the chantry in that game to be given over is not given and logged with the Admissions Coords, then a new location will be found.

Notes:  Many and varied NPCs

Joint Approval: No

Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Backgrounds: Coordinator Approval
Conditional Approval Parameters - Vampire Actions: Coordinator Approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Backgrounds: Coordinator Approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Changing Breed/Changeling/Mage Actions: Coordinator Approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Backgrounds: Coordinator Approval

Conditional Approval Parameters - Other Supernatural Actions: Coordinator Approval

General Restriction Level (Default Level unless otherwise noted in Conditional Approval Parameters Columns): Coordinator Approval


