Custom Sabbat Ritae

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Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Ignobolis Ritae
Description: Cainites of the Sabbat are by nature young and hungry for power withheld for centuries by the ancients and elders of their kind. Time and again they have devised powers, skills, and new expressions of the blood to catch up, but in this ritae one finds a way to steal at one of the greatest of the Elder's gifts, the potency of their blood. Those who pass the trial of this Ritae find their blood thickened and more potent when they begin. Not all benefit from the process, but those who do gain a sharp edge to their nightly unlives.
Mechanics: Casting the Ritae is a Static Mental challenge at a difficulty of the subjects Generation x 4 traits, retest with Occult. To gain the benefits of the Ritae the subject must pass a series of challenges. The subject must be full of blood at the rituals beginning, they then begin to distill the blood in their own veins and drain it into a receptacle capable of containing their blood pool. Engage in a simple test, there are no retests. On a loss or tie you lose 2 blood traits and the challenge, on a win the 2 traits of blood distills into 1 trait and drains into the container provided. The subject succeeds at the Ritae once they win a number of challenges equal to 2 x their current generation score (minimum of 2 challenges.) The individual gains the benefits of the Pure Blood Merit for the remainder of the night. At ST Discretion this Ritae can be made permanent by purchasing the Merit itself and could even help purge a Cainite of the weakness of being Thin Blooded.

Date of Archival: 24-Oct-2020
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Ignobolis Ritae
Description: Cainites of the Sabbat are by nature young and hungry for power withheld for centuries by the ancients and elders of their kind. Time and again they have devised powers, skills, and new expressions of the blood to catch up, but in this ritae one finds a way to steal at one of the greatest of the Elder's gifts, the potency of their blood. Those who pass the trial of this Ritae find their blood thickened and more potent when they begin. Not all benefit from the process, but those who do gain a sharp edge to their nightly unlives.
Mechanics: Casting the Ritae is a Static Mental challenge at a difficulty of the subjects Generation x 4 traits, retest with Occult. To gain the benefits of the Ritae the subject must pass a series of challenges. The subject must be full of blood at the rituals beginning, they then begin to distill the blood in their own veins and drain it into a receptacle capable of containing their blood pool. Engage in a simple test, there are no retests. On a loss or tie you lose 2 blood traits and the challenge, on a win the 2 traits of blood distills into 1 trait and drains into the container provided. The subject succeeds at the Ritae once they win a number of challenges equal to 2 x their current generation score (minimum of 2 challenges.) The individual gains the benefits of the Pure Blood Merit for the remainder of the night. At ST Discretion this Ritae can be made permanent by purchasing the Merit itself and could even help purge a Cainite of the weakness of being Thin Blooded.

Date of Archival: 24-Oct-2020
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:
System: The basis for this Ritus is Visionquest, and the end result is similar.  Seeking either guidance or insight into a particular matter that has stymied them.  This ritus is one of seclusion and meditation, and requires the Cainite to divest themself of all wordly effects, as well it requires a fast.  Conducted over a period of 3 days and 3 nights, the Cainite must seclude themself in a Church or Monestary, and must remain awake for the entire 72 hours.  The only garb allowed is an undyed wool shift or robe.  When this is begun, they may have no more than 5 traits of vitae in their system.  For the duration of the ritus the Cainite remains secluded in prayer and meditation on the matter in question. 

What knowledge gained from this is entirely at ST discretion.


Date of Archival: 31-Jan-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

This rite is a gruesome one when performed by the presiding priest. In a grisly reenactment of the See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil scenario. The priest pulls out one of their own eyes, teeth, and ear as it becomes lost to the ritus, but may be grown back. You suffer no negatives for the act of such during the ritus itself but after the ritus has been finished (when the monimacy challenge is over) you are down 3 traits on all challenges for the night.

You know what the powers and effects in use within a monomacy battle are as they can not hide from your faith.

Date of Archival: 22-Jun-2021
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Sabbat revels in the Beast and the power it holds.  This ritae is used to unlock that very potential.  The Sabbat priest must goad the Cainite before them to the razor edge of frenzy.  They must push the Sabbat seeking the power if this ritae to rile up their beasts and yet control them.  If the Sabbat member can control the coming frenzy and not fall to it; they grow in strength and power for a time.

System:  This ritae lasts a scene or an hour.  During that time the recipients of the Ritae gain the Physical Traits Brutal, Ferocious, and Vicious.  However, you maintain this benefit the character must win a Self-Control/Instinct challenge at difficulty 4 each round of combat before the start of normal.  If they fail, the effects of the ritae end.

Date of Archival: 06-Jan-2023
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:



Bahari embrace the natural state of the beast, but that does not mean it must not also be guided in order to practice the torture that brings enlightenment. Frenzy cannot be allowed to prevent the pursuit of pain. Enlightening the Beast guides the beast with pain and song to remind it of its place under the Dark Mother’s power.


System: This ritual may be celebrated alone or in a group. Each participant spends a blood as the celebrant presses a thorn from a single plant into the center of their chest. He/she sings a blessing of anguish over those participating in Bahari. For a number of hours equal to twice the celebrant’s path rating (on Path of Lilith or appropriate variant), participants will not frenzy due to pain or attack (although other stimuli for frenzy function normally). Instead, they will take a Negative Warped Trait and must keep the thorn in their chest for the duration of the effect. Additionally, they will take an impatient trait for every two hours they go without experiencing pain, but these will go as soon as pain is acquired.

Date of Archival: 19-Jul-2016
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

System: Many ancient cultures believe that various acts of mediation, pain, dance, or even sex will allow people to receive great visions and insight.  This ritual follows the idea that through ritual sex a person will be granted some sort of higher awareness.  The priest must first find a partner either willing or not and then proceed to engage in a lengthy sexual experience.  More then one person may be involved but only the priest may receive the visionary benefits.  The priest must engage in the activity for no less then 45 minutes in order to gain the benefits.  The first thing this ritual does is it allows all participants the ability to have sex regardless if they are on a path or not. Though they do not gain the pleasure from it as a mortal would, they experience it as any vampire does on humanity.  Finally the priest who performs this ritual receives flashes of insights and visions at the conclusion of the act.

Date of Archival: 31-Jan-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Ignoblis Ritae

The warriors within the Salubri can utilize the insight granted to them from their third eye to study their foes tactics before a coming battle. By writing down what they know of their foe and burning that paper they are able to foresee their opponents tactics in the wisps of smoke.

Mechanics: Mental Challenge, difficulty 15 minus the level in lores the priest has about their particular opponents. The priest must declare their opponents creature type or clan at the start of the ritae. The named creature can either be broad in scope (Werewolf) or more specific (Get of Fenris). If evoking a creature type the caster gains a free retest that takes the place of an ability retest. If evoking a specific clan, breed, etc. the caster gains a number of traits equal to their level in lore pertaining to the evoked clan, breed, etc. that are added to their first action against that opponent.

Date of Archival: 17-Jan-2020
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

System: This Ritus is one of punishment, used on Cainites deemed no longer capable of performing Ritae and have been stripped of the ability to hold the Ordained status.  The priests performing this Ritus (Must be at least three) take turns reciting the failings of the priest in question. When it is finished the target of this ritus is offered the opportunity to beg contrition of the acting priests.  If it is not asked for or refused, the target is then spat upon and thus rendered unable to perform Ritae.  Doing so automatically fails and deals the false priest a level of lethal damage that comes in the form of an obvious lash across the face or back.

Date of Archival: 31-Jan-2015
Custom Content Category: Sabbat Ritae
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

System: The Priest must roleplay through a perverted version of the Catholic excorcism, appropriate to Sabbat theology.  Make a Static Social challenge, retest rituals, against 20 Traits to enact the Ritae.  For each Sabbat participant in the Ritate, lower the difficulty of this Static challenge by one, to a minimum of the target creature's willpower.  This Ritae does not give bonus traits to any tests.  If successful, engage a contested willpower challenge (retests: Willpower, Luck, Oracular Ability) against the entity you are attempting to exorcise.  If the challenges is successful, you expel the target Demon or Wraith for the scene, or longer at st discretion. If you fail the challenges, you may not attempt a further exorcism until the next lunar month.

Date of Archival: 31-Jan-2015
