Custom Discipline
Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.
Restore Caine (basic)
: Restore lost Path of Caine through meditation
System: When the vampire loses a dot of Path of Caine, he can attempt
to regain it without spending experience points by using this power. The
Child must use this power within a week of losing the Path Trait, and must not have lost any more Path Traits since the initial loss (that is, if the character falls from Path of Caine 4 to Path of Caine 3, and then falls to Path of Caine 2 before using this power, Restore Caine can only be used to recover Path of Caine 3). The character meditates for several hours, and spends all of the blood points currently in his body. The player then makes a Conviction test (difficulty equal to the level of Path being
regained). If the test succeeds, the character regains the dot of Path of
Caine and (if applicable) the dot of Conviction lost to a botched
degeneration test. If the character gained a derangement, it fades within
a week of using Restore Caine.
Banishing Sign of Lilith (basic):
Use a mystic gesture to ward off supernatural
System: The player spends a blood point. This power can be used to “
dodge” any incoming attack of a mystical nature, including any Disciplines that target the character (whether or not they actually inflict damage). They may gain all the benefits of any speed related powers to make this dodge attempt. The sign does not serve to turn aside magically enhanced physical attacks; a punch from a vampire with the Potence Discipline still has the full effect.
Gift of Caine (intermediate):
Gain as much double sustenance from vampire blood as
human blood
System: All blood traits taken from a vampire are counted as double within the vampires bool. That is to say that each Trait of vampire blood counts as two blood traits but only occupies 1 blood trait slot for purposes of generational blood pool maximums. See Blood Feast
Pillar of Caine (intermediate): Create a mystical center that allows proper meditation and lowers the difficulty of supernatural powers
System: Creating the Pillar of Caine requires a night-long ritual, with the
difficulty determined by the location. The more remote and free from
violence the location is, the lower the difficulty. A cave far from human
populations that has never seen violence might be difficulty 5, which the
site of a grisly murder-suicide in a downtown area would be difficulty 9.
The player spends a Willpower point and makes a Willpower Challenge.
Success creates the Pillar, which does not require a physical pillar — the
Pillar of Caine is conceptual, not literal. Once the Pillar is created, any
vampire with at least one dot of Antarabhava receives 3 Bonus Traits to
all challenges of any Discipline or other mystical activity (including blood
magic) performed at the Pillar. However, this requires regular trips to the
Pillar. Once the vampire has created a Pillar, he must visit it at least once
a month, or it ceases to function. In addition, for every week he is away
from a Pillar (not necessarily the one he created), the difficulties of all
tests to avoid frenzy increase by one. The Beast, long denied by the Child’
s ascetic practices, grows in strength while away from the Pillar, and
eventually pushes the vampire to frenzy and (likely) Path of Caine loss.
The Children of Caine, for this and other reasons, do not leave their
temples for long.
Paradox (advanced): Speak a word that overwhelms others with bliss and makes it harder for them to harm you
System: The vampire speaks the phrase, and the player spends a point
of Willpower and makes a Social Challenge retested with Occult against
the target. If multiple listeners are present, the player tests against the
each. If the test is successful, the listener(s) is immobilized for the scene
as he contemplates what he has heard. Striking the victim snaps him out
of it. At the end of the scene, the paradox is gone, and the target can’t
ever quite explain it. He does, however, suffer a permanent +1 Trait Bid
to harm or act against the Child of Caine.
Mantle of the Dark Father (elder): Your blood guarantees the embrace.
System: Anything you attempt to Embrace will be turned into a vampire regardless of other factors if you spend a permanent point of Willpower.
Requirements: Flight 3, Athletics 3
Mechanics: The Gargoyle must already be midair to use this Flight maneuver. If so, they may, as with most other Flight powers, take the round to use Antoine Dodson. In doing so, they must make a Physical Challenge, bidding an additional trait against the target, retested with Brawl. If the target is not surprised, they may attempt to use Alacrity to preemptively avoid the attack per the rules of Swoop. If successful, the gargoyle grabs the target and pulls them into the air at full Flight velocity, and then drops them from the sky. The falling target suffers bashing damage equal to the Gargoyle's level of Flight (no additional modifiers may apply) when they hit the ground, landing prone, if the target does not succeed with an Athletics challenge, bidding and additional trait in the challenge. If the target fails this challenge, they may still act, but will need to bid an additional trait for any action other than righting themselves. If the target lands on something that would cause additional environmental damage (such as being dropped into a vat of acid), this damage is taken as normal and is considered a separate source of damage. The Gargoyle cannot perform this maneuver against more than a single target at a time. If the target has an effect that mitigates falling damage in some way (such as the ability to fly or a parachute), this maneuver’s damage may be reduced or negated.
Emotional Control
Make a Static Social Challenge (Animal Ken) versus 16 Traits. If successful, your emotional state appears to all probing as flat, not calm or truthful – just flat for the scene. This power has no effect on any power of Advanced or higher levels.
Delayed Gratification
Immediately after failing a test to resist Frenzy or Rotchreck, make a Simple Test. One a Win, you may spend a Willpower Trait and a number of Mental Traits up to your Permanent Humanity Traits to delay the Frenzy as listed below:
1 Trait: One Turn
2 Traits: Five Turns
3 Traits: Remainder of the Scene
4 Traits: The next sunset.
5 Traits: The rest of the night, plus the following night.
If the user does not choose to enter Frenzy before sleeping on the appropriate night, she wakes in Frenzy the following evening. When the user wakes, no level of Approximation may be used to control the Frenzy.
The user may not stack multiple uses of this power. If the user is forced to test for Frenzy for subsequent stimuli the user is forced to retest any successful challenge as the Beast is already straining at its bonds. (Ezra activates Delayed Gratification after Rusty calls Ezra’s mom a goat. Later in the evening, Ezra is forced to test for Rotschreck when Shaw sets fire to the car Ezra just purchased. If Ezra is successful in resisting the fear, he must immediately retest as the Beast struggles harder than before.)
When voluntarily entering Frenzy or succumbing to Rotschreck, spend a Mental Trait and win a Simple Test to activate. When active, the user has much more control over her actions and appearance than normal. She may appear as calm as she wishes, and take actions that require thought and deliberate decision, including the use of certain Mental and Social Disciplines, with the added expense of bidding an additional Trait of the appropriate category when initiating the Challenge. The usable Disciplines are limited to Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, and Presence – and is further limited to only as many levels as the user has in Approximation (If the use has Approximation at first Intermediate, only the Basic levels of the listed Disciplines will be available. Yes, this means the user will never have the ability to use Advanced levels of the Disciplines when in Frenzy). Some ‘benefits’ of frenzy still apply, however: the vampire ignores wound penalties, and does not need to risk a Social Trait when defending against Challenges.
From the outside, it is almost impossible to determine that the vampire is in any kind of frenzied state. Supernatural abilities such as Auspex can do so by examining the vampire’s aura, but to mundane observation she appears no different from normal. The kindred has an absolute focus on the target of her frenzy. She can do nothing that she does not judge to be the fastest and most effective way to achieve her end. As the frenzy was invoked voluntarily, the vampire no doubt has an end in mind.
While the frenzying vampire cannot do anything she does not judge to be the fastest and most effective means to her end goal, it does not mean she should spend a long time contemplating options. On the contrary, she must decide quickly from among the options that come immediately to mind. If two seem equally effective, she is free to choose either, as long as she chooses quickly. In cases where the fastest and most effective way to achieve an end might require lots of careful planning, the user must spend a Temporary Willpower Trait – or gain the Flaw: Driving Goal. If the Willpower Trait is spent, the frenzied-state will end as normal (10 minutes after being removed from the stimulus). It is possible to have multiple Driving Goal flaws due to the nature of the Beast.
You can blend smoothly into any culture, no matter how strange or unfamiliar it seems. Assimilation doesn’t hide racial differences, but allows you to act and speak like a native and understand the local spoken language. Spend Two Blood Traits, and make a Static Social Challenge. The difficulty varies based on how alien the culture is, and will ultimately be determined by the Storyteller. Some examples may be: infiltrating another Sect of Cainites in a nearby city may require only Seven Traits, while passing as a member of a Black Spiral Hive on another continent may require Eighteen Traits or more. Applicable Abilities should be taken into consideration when determining how ‘alien’ the society is for the user. If the challenge succeeds, you suffer no social penalties while interacting with members of the target culture. Assimilation lasts for one scene. You may choose to spend a Willpower before the Challenge – if you do, and are successful, the effects last for the rest of the night. In addition, the user gains a free Retest when Defending against Social challenges while this power is active, reflecting the amazing ease with which he can manipulate the social expectations of the group.
When involuntarily entering Frenzy or succumbing to Rotschreck, spend a Mental Trait and win a Simple Test to activate. When active, the user has much more control over her actions and appearance than normal. She may appear as calm as she wishes, and take actions that require thought and deliberate decision, including the use of certain Mental and Social Disciplines, with the added expense of bidding an additional Trait of the appropriate category when initiating the Challenge. The usable Disciplines are limited to Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate, and Presence – and is further limited to fewer levels than the user has in Approximation (If the use has Approximation at first Intermediate, only the first and second Basic levels of the listed Disciplines will be available. Yes, this means the user will never have the ability to use Advanced levels of the Disciplines when in Frenzy). Some ‘benefits’ of frenzy still apply, however: the vampire ignores wound penalties, and does not need to risk a Social Trait when defending against Challenges.
From the outside, it is almost impossible to determine that the vampire is in any kind of frenzied state. Supernatural abilities such as Auspex can do so by examining the vampire’s aura, but to mundane observation she appears no different from normal. The kindred has an absolute focus on the target of her frenzy. She can do nothing that she does not judge to be the fastest and most effective way to achieve her end. As the frenzy was invoked voluntarily, the vampire no doubt has an end in mind.
While the frenzying vampire cannot do anything she does not judge to be the fastest and most effective means to her end goal, it does not mean she should spend a long time contemplating options. On the contrary, she must decide quickly from among the options that come immediately to mind. If two seem equally effective, she is free to choose either, as long as she chooses quickly. In cases where the fastest and most effective way to achieve an end might require lots of careful planning, the user must spend a Temporary Willpower Trait – or gain the Flaw: Driving Goal. If the Willpower Trait is spent, the frenzied-state will end as normal (10 minutes after being removed from the stimulus). It is possible to have multiple Driving Goal flaws due to the nature of the Beast.
A vampire in hunger frenzy must feed to satiation as soon as possible. If the only vessel around is her beloved, she drains him dry. On the other hand, if the two of them are in a hotel room, she can charge out and into the next room, looking for another victim. She cannot, however, decide to take her beloved home first and feed later in the evening. If the vampire enters hunger frenzy while feeding, she can still break off to feed from another vessel, as long as she believes that there is another easily available.
A vampire in fear frenzy must get away from the cause of the fear as quickly as possible. A vampire forced into frenzy by another vampire waving a lighter in her face at a social gathering may make a cutting remark as she turns to stalk haughtily from the room, rather than freaking out and running screaming, but she must still leave. A vampire driven to fear frenzy by a candle could blow it out. Similarly, a vampire terrified by the sunlight coming through a window could duck around the light to close the shutters. If they failed to completely block the light, she would have to leave the room. Fear frenzies are possibly the least restricted, as about the only thing the vampire cannot do is bravely endure the threat; and most Kindred would not risk themselves in any case.
A vampire in anger frenzy must express her anger. She need not, however, do so through physical violence. If the frenzy was provoked as anger with a particular individual, it must be taken out on that individual. If, on the other hand, it was provoked by general frustration, the vampire can choose how to express it. In no case will a vampire with this power involuntarily attack her friends while in an anger frenzy, unless they are disguised as her enemies. A vampire provoked into an anger frenzy in a social situation could choose to take it out in a stream of highly polished verbal abuse, possibly challenging her opponent to a duel. A vampire who enters anger frenzy in combat gets the bonuses of being in frenzy, but otherwise may continue the combat as if nothing had happened.
Basic 1 Ace In the hole
The character has a Ace for every situation and seems to pull stuff out of nowhere. The character makes a simple test retest with Scrounge, to find something on them or nearby to help solve the problem they are facing. If the character is Successful they find something to help this could be an item or a clue that is in the area. This power cannot be used in a combat situation, this power may only be utilized once a scene.
Basic 2 Talk the talk
Cost: None
Intermediate 3 I wasn’t me:
The character automatically receives a buzzing sensation along the back of their necks any time they are taped or monitored by such devices, as well as sensing the general nature of the machine (listening, watching, recording, etc.) and its approximate location relative Character.
The character may use One mental to create a distorted image, or be invisible to any such devices for the duration of the scene.
Intermediate 4 It’s the truth
You are so quick witted that it is easy for you to fool. It is hard for people to recognize when you are trying to pull one over on them. When you are involved in a Social Challenge, you have an automatic retest. You may only use this power once per Challenge. Like Might "It's The Truth" is the last retest able to be used in the challenge. It's the truth costs nothing to use.
Advanced 5 "Don’t worry I got this"
The character seems to be able to find a way to succeed in any situation where their opponent is of lower generation than themselves. When the character is engaged in any form of situation with someone of lower generation, they may activate this power with a simple test, retesting with Survival. If successful, the character may designate one target, and for the duration of the scene they gain +2 traits for each level of difference in the defenders generation background verses the targets generation background. This power can not be used on more than one target at a time, and lasts for the duration of one scene, or until the user of this power is unconscious. The traits gained in this fashion function as unnamed bonus traits to all challenges against theirspecified target.
This discipline allows a user to glimpse her place in the tapestry of Fate and can be a helpful guide in finding the resolve necessary to face a difficult decision. By watching the flow of her own Vitae, a sign of some kind representing the character's current position in the world and a possible near future will appear in the mind's eye as she watches the congealing blood. What exactly the sign is and how cryptic it may be are up to the Storyteller, but the affected character feels refreshed and reassured of her place in the tapestry of Fate, and instantly restores some lost measure of will.
Mechanic: The prophet cuts herself (possibly doing a lethal damage) and spills a point of blood on the ground. She then watches the blood pool and settle. She must then spend 30 seconds watching the blood, during this time she may speak but cannot take any other action lest she negate the effects. After 30 seconds, the blood dissolves to dust and cannot be reused/ reconsumed although the prophet regains a spent willpower. This power may never take the prophet above her current permanent willpower score.
At the Storyteller's discretion, a character who blatantly ignores Fate's advice (e.g., one who walks into a burning building after watching her likeness burn to ash) may not receive the benefit of this discipline, which is instead replaced by a feeling of dread and uneasiness.
The thinblooded as flotsam caught in the riptides of destiny have little sway over their own fate, but they may use their unique perspective to bestow minor doses of good or bad luck on a target. While a target will not suddenly die or win the lottery, some elements in his life which might have fallen either way will now tip in the direction the prophet wishes.
Mechanic: The prophet spends a blood and a number of traits (up to a maximum of three) in any category. She then engages the target in a mental challenge, retesting with Empathy. If successful, the target is then down a number of traits equal to what the prophet spent in the selected category (i.e. if the prophet spent 2 physical traits, the target would be 2 on all physical challenges). Alternately, the prophet may choose to bestow a blessing on another. If this is done, there is no challenge and the target receives a bonus in the selected category equal to the traits spent. The effect of this power lasts for one scene or an hour (whichever comes first).
At the Storyteller's discretion, this discipline can have less direct results, although in this case you cannot control what will occur, merely identify which situation the discipline alters. Multiple uses of this Discipline are not cumulative, although those who continually use it to inflict bad luck on others often find find karmic retribution.
This discipline allows the user to remotely view distant places or things. While focusing her concentration on a familiar place or a familiar object, the prophet is able to see the events occurring around that object or at that place without actually being there.
Mechanic: The prophet meditates for 5 minutes uninterrupted upon the place or object and spends a willpower and a number of mental traits (one for each sense she wishes to project). Then she concentrates on the place or object she wishes to observe and makes a static mental challenge against 10 traits (retest Meditation). The place or object must be familiar. If given an address to observe that the character has never been to or seen, she has no point of reference. Though being given a picture of the location allows her to focus her senses there. Similarly, the object must be of specific familiarity. She cannot observer "Fred's Bic Lighter" if he she has never seen or held said lighter.
Once the prophet sees an area, she may watch the area for up to an hour (though she can end the power whenever she wishes). She may not change her focus to another place or object without ending the power and initiating a new vision. While watching, no other disciplines may be used to act upon the observed scene. Obfuscated or supernaturally hidden beings remain hidden. While watching, she is unaware of what occurs around her body as she is focused in meditation. A violent push, taking damage, or anything suitably rough enough to break the concentration also ends the power's use.
Beast's Mantle
This discipline was created by a man who lived away from the constructs of society as the blood of a Gangrel and Tzimisce were mixed in his embrace and mingled within his body, it manifested in something unique. An abomination of the two disciplines turning the man into a type of Skinshifter.
All levels of this discipline are cumulative and may stack with Previous levels. Taking on a mantle is permanent and can only be removed by spending a WP to shed it or by disciplines like Vicissitude or stone of the true form.( This means shedding an old mantle for a new one would cost 2 willpower total) In the levels where your staff chooses any Mantle traits the same trait may not be selected more than once. A mantle may only be gained in the PCs home chronicle, and an item card will be made for when the PC travels, as the effects remain permanent until shed. A Mantle must be created from a creature of sufficient size to cover a Humans head and entire back.
Beast's Skin (First Basic)
After a successful hunt and kill, after you have drawn sustenance from your prey there is still much to be gained. Even a prey animal has much wisdom left in its skin and fur. Through this discipline you may begin to bring those to the front as you merge with the creature. As you drape its skin over your own it merges, twisting and warping your own as you desire. This can manifest in any number of interesting features but always terrifies the likes of mortals.
You spend 1 WP after having consumed a beast and then Skin it draping the skin over yourself it becomes a part of you. You Gain the Abomination merit for the duration of wearing the skin.
Abomination-While you wear a mantle you cause those around you to suffer from an altered form of delirium. You radiate palpable, monstrous horror. Mortals with a current Willpower rating of 4 or less who behold you run screaming or curl up and sob in abject terror. In addition, their fragile minds cannot cope with such fear and quickly repress all memories of the encounter. Mortals with a willpower rating of 5-8 can hold their ground and interact with you but must bid an extra trait in all challenges. Those rare mortals with willpower even beyond this are simply severely discomforted by your presence. This affects Mortals, Ghouls, Dhampyr, Blessed, and so on but does not affect Vampires, Garou, Mages, and so on. It only affects the semi supernatural or non supernatural.
Beast's Adaptation (Second Basic)
As you become more attuned to the skin you wear you can begin to tap into the insight of the creature, even forcing it to manifest slightly as it seems parts of the mantle come alive giving off a light crimson glow (they don't actually glow, it's just a trick of the eyes) as such you gain the following. You may spend a blood to gain 1 Mental (Cunning) or 1 Social (Threatening) trait (once each) for a scene. Additionally you may also freely communicate with animals of the type you wear as they accept you as their companion. You may still speak normally but it's slow and guttural.
Beast's Arsenal (First Intermediate)
Your animal skin has become a normal part of you and you take on more and more of the animal's features, the mantle and yourself truly living as part of one another. When you take on a mantle a Storyteller picks two of the following that manifest and remain until the mantle is removed. (Controllable Night Sight, +1 to stealth challenges, Lizard Limbs, +1 step per action, Double dedicated Movement speed,or some other non damage related benefit that the Storyteller decides)
Beast's Armory (Second Intermediate)
You and your mantle are truly beasts working in tandem with one another. When you take on a mantle a Storyteller picks two of the following that manifest and remain until the mantle is removed. (Venomous Bite, Slimy, +1L bite damage, +1L claw damage, Wall Walking, Grapple Retest, +1 Physical Trait, + 1 Bruised Health level, or any 2 from the 1st intermediate list)
Beast's Glory (Advanced)
You are your Mantle and have worked with it and understand the beast it comes from in many ways. At this point you may even shift yourself fully into the creature that is your Mantle. In a lot of ways this functions similarly to Shape of the Beast. However unlike Shape of the Beast you receive no mechanical benefits such as traits. You simply become the beast who's mantle you have donned but retain your own traits and disciplines in addition to other benefits granted by the mantle.
To assume the form you must spend 1 Temporary Willpower and take 1 Unsoakable Lethal as your body warps and contorts at an accelerated rate to accommodate for the beast within. This process finishes at the end of the round, after which you become the animal you don. You retain your normal traits in all categories but as a result gain no trait benefits for this form.
Alternatively you may take on a monstrous version of your animal form that walks on two legs. Spend 1 temp Willpower and take 1 Unsoakable Lethal as your body warps and contorts at an accelerated rate to accommodate for the beast within to enter this form. You gain a Deadly and a Tough physical trait, deal 1 additional lethal damage from Claws and Bite attacks and cause minor delirium.
This form change will automatically break any armor fitted to your person and destroy clothing that is worn, of course you can attempt to wear baggy clothing with mixed results. You may use weapons as normal in this form.This change may only be maintained for one scene per night. While in this altered form you exude and even more potent form of your altered Delirium. This delirium affects all supernatural and semi supernatural creatures. Those that bear witness to you in this form must consult the chart below to determine the effects.
-Permanent Willpower 3 or less must immediately flee the scene and repress the memories of the encounter. You still know you ran from something that shook you to your core but nothing more.
-Permanent Willpower 4-5 You must throw a simple Willpower challenge difficulty 5 traits. If you have 5 willpower you may spend a willpower to ignore this challenge. Failure means you must immediately flee the scene and repress the memories of the encounter. You still know you ran from something that shook you to your core but nothing more.
-Permanent Willpower 6+ Unaffected
Your influence concerning technology is not just based on your previous knowledge-- it is embedded in your everyday stature, life, and ingrained ideas. Passively, your innate knowledge of the current news, leaked through insider to insider, is known through your devices and blood before even the most tech savvy human could ever conceive of it. Without effort, you are in the know-- and some may even consider you the know itself.
So long as you have your phone, or other internet connected device, you're always considered "in the know", up to and including the bleeding edge of stories before they might hit the public enmasse.
This may cause you to receive any and all stories that hit the news, maybe even irrelevant ones, before they go live and out to the public.
The user of this power is considered to have a level in all influences, and backgrounds associated with influences. at ST discretion.
Summary: Baseline familiarity with current news before anyone else receives it. Easy connections with current events including trends, news, and other relevant information.
Connections are what tie Kindred to their human counterpart-- it is only natural that, with your knowledge in devices, you may cut the tie for a distinct moment in time. Upon your wish, and upon their failure, suddenly-- those earthly mortal contacts dissipate within their grasp. There is no one to call for help-- no device that can successfully assist them per the moment. There is only you, and them -- with the exception that you still have all of your kind contacts intact.
The user of this power spends a blood, and makes a contested social test with their target.
If the challenge is successful, for the next scene/hour, the victim of this power is unable to call upon their influences or influence related backgrounds (Allies, Contacts, Resources, Network, Retainers, etc as determined by Storyteller).
This also extends to everyday friends-- they cannot contact anyone. It is as if their device has lost all contact. This ends at the end of the scene/hour.
Summary: A person is unable to use electronic devices to get a hold of their influences/backgrounds.
You understand that the internet is a deep blessing and a natural curse. Upon usage, those around you are almost entranced by their devices, forced to scroll upon a saddened news story upon horrifying news story. Like opening a Pandora’s Box of inherently soul-crushing news feed, you stuck your fellow friend in a trance, unable to escape their time trapped, metaphorically eaten whole by the device that once aided them. Enraptured by their screen, unable to move, you hold clear leeway for but a moment.
The user of this power spends a blood, and makes a contested social test with their target. If the challenge is successful, the victim of this power immediately pulls out their phone, or other internet connected device, and begins to 'doom scroll' through their phone for one minute.
Each social blood trait spent, by the wielder, lengthens this by one minute up to a maximum of five minutes.
The victim will be totally unaware of his surroundings and incapable of taking action for the full duration unless disturbed in some way. Anything causing loss of health levels, even if the victim feels no pain, will end the recursion and bring him to his senses.
Quiet speech will not rouse the target, but a loud shout or gunshot, or even a gentle nudge will break the trance.
If the victim of this power does not possess a readily available phone, or other internet connected device, this power instantly fails to activate.
Summary: A person is forced to doom scroll, putting them in a consistent trance.
With your followers and internet savvy prowess, it is effortlessly to spin such an elaborate story with no strings attached. With the trusts mortals have in you, your word is essentially truth. The person in question is now infamous, known by the general populace as what you say they are-- a detrimental aspect to society. Fearing for their lives, watching the news station with distinct worry, any sight of the person in question will break out a small hysteria -- tearing fear, worry, rumor, and misdemeanor in the cattle that once saw the person previously as nothing more than what they were deemed to be. It’s almost too easy.
The wielder of this power spends blood and a willpower to activate this power, and then a variable number of mental traits.
Upon activation, the wielder of this power may spin any story they wish, taking no longer than 5 minutes to describe, and have their story pushed to local news media.
The amount of mental traits spent to activate this power determines how long it takes for the story to air. 1/ Six Hours, 2/ 3 Hours, 3/ 1 Hour, 4/ 30 Minutes, 5/ Instantly.
During the effects of this power, mortals within line of sight of the user are absolutely convinced of the truth of this story, and are willing to subconsciously behave in ways that enforce mass hysteria. How hysterical is up to the storyteller’s discretion and spun story.
Summary: You can spin a fabricated tale that gets passed as truth in news-related outlets around your location. This induces others to act frantic and paranoid of the new infamous person in question.
ARTSEM •••••
At will, and with a bit of blood, your skin shell dissipates-- electrifying out in a bright blue shock of sheer raw data and energy. Electronics are at your will to traverse, hiding and running between phone to phone and phone line to phone line as you move faster than any mortal could possibly dream of. Within the electronic in question, you communicate the others the same way that anyone with a phone could-- texting, Facetime, messaging, etcetera. You fit into one’s pocket, overhearing their secrets. You fit into one’s headphones, listening to their private conversations. It was as if you were always there-- watching.
By spending 2 willpower and 2 blood, the wielder of this power wills themselves into the very essence of news media, data.
Their body becomes incorporeal and they exist only as a stream of data, uploading themselves into the internet, and thus able to traverse along local internet connected devices at the speed of thought.
Though they may not view anything traditionally stored there, unless they make traditional hacking challenges as determined by Storyteller. However if it constitutes a throw, while inside the device, you win on ties.
They may house/move their forms in cell phones, computers, cable towers, telephone lines, and communicate with means available on said device. This transformation takes 2 rounds.
Summary: Turn your body into electrical signals and ride the lightning.
Level 1
Lessen the Weight of the Sun
Spend a Willpower, the individual no longer suffers any penalities from being awake when the sun is up.
Level 2
Direct the Light of the Sun
Spend 1 blood and 1 willpower, you take an unsoakable level of lethal damage while channeling a bolt of sunlight from your hands for a split second. To direct this at a target, make a physical challenge against your target, retest athletics. Your sunlight inflicts 2 aggravated damage and your target is afflicted by the negative effects of the sun for a round.
Level 3
Refraction of the Sun
Mark your body with sigils of the Sun and spend 1 blood, for the remainder of the evening, until the Vampire sleeps, any attempts to notice you or sense your presence must pierce your refraction. To pierce the refraction against you, they must make Mental challenge versus your Physicals, with aggressors retest being investigation and the defender with stealth. If the possessor of this discipline wins, they continue to appear as a faint shimmer of heat radiation in the distance of anyone's perceptions.
Level 4
Empowerment by the light of the Sun
Spend a willpower and 2 blood, your skin becomes marked by the sun as it visibly tans to such an extent that it is ashen in hue. For the remainder of the evening, until the Vampire sleeps, they can soak an automatic level of damage from the sun and receive a free retest against further exposure.
Level 5
Blessings of the Sun
Can bestow any of the lesser levels of Blessings of Bila to anyone with whom you've shared your blood with, knowingly or unknowingly.
"Going Down"
With a social challenge retest intimidation, the user can inflict a random single random derangement on her victim as determined by an ooc coin flip: heads Confusion, tails Delusional
"Maiden & Crone"
User can change their appearance into one of two distinct forms with the expenditure of a blood, which are mutable in basic traits but unchanging in the following: Form 1) Maiden - in low 20s, has +2 Gorgeous traits, has a club foot. Form 2) Crone - in her 80s, +2 Dignified traits, and is Lame. These forms are able to be seen through an Auspex challenge.
"Wasting Away"
As long as the user has physical contact with her victim (may require a physical challenge to do so), she may spend a wp and make an Intimidation challenge to cause her victim to loose one health level temporarily. This is stackable to the maximum of the user's Intimidation traits, and can be regained at a rate of 1/24 hour period provided the victim rests in that period.
"Ghost Deer"
The user can release a breath which coalesces and forms into a deer-shape that is then controllable by the user giving them a second set of senses. While this power is in use, the user is down 1 trait to perception-related challenges due to double-vision. The ghost deer can travel in the real world and appears to be an incorporeal, ghostly deer. The ghost deer persists for a scene/hour, until the range is more than a mile away, or until it is dismissed. The ghost deer effectively has 1 hp and dissipates into fog if struck.
"Gentle Spirit"
User can spend a mental to put up a supernatural aura in which people within 10 ft of her where people who are agitated/angry/distraught/excited are soothed/calmed/tired out (does not negate frenzy). There are notably no other mechanical effects.