Custom Blood Magic: Ritual

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Ex Libris (formerly “Fire Trap”)
This ritual is simply a ward cast and scribed on the inside cover of a bound book where, after casting the book cannot be opened without intoning the power phrase (set during the casting). If the correct phrase is not uttered before opening the book, it combusts and burns to ashes (causing no damage to the person holding the book).

System: As a Basic Ritual this takes a casting time of 15 min., and one blood trait (used as the ink of the ward).

Date of Archival: 26-Feb-2021
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Black Hand Aljusuri
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:
Expunge - Intermediate
But Caine grew lonely in his Power.
Deep within him, the seed of loneliness blossomed, and grew a dark flower
He saw within his blood the potence of fertility 
By reciting the above passage from the book of nod and blessing himself, The Rafiq becomes a beacon of power in service to the Dark Father. Within a 10 foot radius of him, Daeva cannot utilize any form of possession. Not only is he immune to possession by Daeva, but any possessing Daeva or hosts of possessing Daeva that enter a ten foot radius of him are immediately expelled from their host, as if their host died. The host falls to their knees and begins to weep tears of blood in awe at the power of the dark father. If the expelled entities are able to, (after being expelled) they will immediately attack the rafiq. Once the rafiq puts this power up, it lasts for a scene or an hour.  
Date of Archival: 22-Jul-2018
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:
Extended Gift (Basic Hermetic Ritual):
Kindred have often relied on the efforts of kine to protect there holdings  and even their unlife when they slumber. Feeding them vitae gives temporary  supernatural gifts to use in their defense. The Warlock with suitable  medicinal knowledge, however may be able to overcome the limitations of a   mortal's consumption.
Over the course of feeding a ghoul, the thaumaturge will draw a liter of  blood from the intended mortal. They will infuse the mortal's blood with  powdered Slippery Elm Bark, long used by herbalists to purify blood. They will then expend a mental trait equal to the amount of blood to be added to  the ghoul's stores, (up to three). They will then feed the ghoul the  solution as well as their own vitae, adding to the amount of kindred vitae  the ghoul can hold in their system.
Date of Archival: 12-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Extreme Care
This ritual allows for the creation of enchanted elixirs. These elixirs have the ability to miraculous heal mortal creatures of disease and wounds.

System: This ritual, usable only on mortal living creatures (humans, ghouls, Garou, etc.), requires that one trait of Vampiric Blood be injected, or ingested, into a subject's body. This has the usual effects ‐ the subject moves a step closer to becoming blood bound to the vampire whose blood is used, and temporarily becomes a Ghoul. In addition, the mortal automatically heals one Wound Level of damage and the Thaumaturge, if in the presence of the use of the elixir, may spend one Medical Ability to cure the patient of one viral or bacterial illness (Not cancers or hereditary diseases. AIDS, Ebola, and other such particularly nasty things should be immune to healing, but the life span of the infected person could be extended).

Mortals drinking this elixir may be brought back from the threshold of death, without being made into a vampire. The blood leaves no trace in the patient's system, and all but the partial Blood Bond fades completely within 3 days. Once the Thaumaturge’s blood is transformed into the elixir it loses most of its connections to the Thaumaturge. Thus, it may not be used for Discipline or rituals against the Thaumaturge. Rituals such as Blood Walk or Disciplines such as taste of Vitae merely reveal that it is altered Kindred vitae and little else.

The elixir will only retain its potency for 72 hours after casting.

Date of Archival: 26-Feb-2021
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Assamite Sorcery - Dur-An-Ki
XP Cost: 6XP
MET Mechanics:

The Heavens see all and judge all. With this ritual, the Masters of Heaven and Earth may tap into a fraction of that power. With knowledge of the ritual Eyes of the Past, this ritual, and the knowledge of Ascension, the Ashipu may take advantage of the Ascended state to gather more information than Eyes of the Past alone. The Ashipu does whatever they do normally to enter an Ascended state for the Ladder of Heaven, where their mind enters a dreamlike state and may view a past time of the area they are in at their leisure.
The Ashipu must already know Eyes of the Past and have this ritual on their sheet to learn this ritual. It works as per Eyes of the Past with the following differences:
The Ashipu must spend a Willpower along with the two Mental Traits required.
                The Ashipu views a moment in time in which they may interact with the environment. No living beings (undead, spiritual, or otherwise) that were there at that time are visible, but the Ashipu may inspect and use powers of the blood on objects in the area.
The Heavens see all and are not limited to enclosed spaces. If this ritual is cast outside or in an incomplete room, the effects of the ritual work and the Ashipu may view the past of an area within a ten foot radius that his body is in reality.
Instead of a five minute time frame, the ritual may last as long as an entire scene unless their body is disturbed, in which case they snap back into consciousness.
An example use of this power would be the Ashipu going to the location of a burned down home and reading books or notes that existed at the time they selected before fire consumed them.

For reference, this is the write up for Eyes of the Past, Laws of Elysium page 83:
Eyes of the Past (Intermediate)
By expending two Mental Traits and casting this ritual, you are able to view events at the location of the casting, up to five years prior. A specific time and date must be chosen. Up to a five-minute time span can be watched, and during this full sensory enchantment, you will be unaware of your physical surroundings. This ritual may only affect one room.

Date of Archival: 14-May-2024
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Black Hand Aljusuri
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

This only functions on those with the Tal'Mahe'Ra Crescent Moon Tattoo. Each individual to be linked (to a maximum of the Caster's Occult rating) donates two traits of blood, which are collected in a wooden bowl. The caster need not be part of the link. Over the next hour, they bring the blood to a boil over an open flame, around which the participants sit and meditate on their relationships with each other. When the last of the blood has boiled away, the ritual is complete. This forms a subtle psychic bond between the participants - it is undetectable by most methods. Should a participant die, all those linked are immediately struck by a vision of their death and gain a flash of their emotional state. There is no limit to the number of circles to which one individual may be bound. 

Date of Archival: 03-Jun-2019
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Based on Eyes of the Past, this ritual was developed by a Malkavian Archon with the aid of the Tremere Justicar’s office.

The castrr recites an incantation which allows them to scrutinize the patterns that occurred at a specific time in the past, up to five years ago. Wisdom can be found within the cracks of the past reality, allowing the caster to find insight in the seemingly random patterns, uncovering the motives and secrets of those who were present at that time in the past. This ritual allows the castor to use Eyes of Chaos on any actions/scenes they can view while using Eyes of the Past.

Date of Archival: 04-Oct-2019
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Akhu
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:

Name: Face of the Father

Level: Intermediate

Casting/Creation Time: 1 week

Casting Difficulty: 6 Traits

Description: The Church of Seth believe that Set is the figurative and possibly literal father of humanity. This Ritual calls upon that primordial source to enhance and manipulate the caster's appearance for a short time by combining the heritage of the Dark Father from lineages other than the caster's own. The sorcerer mixes the blood of people from at least three ethnic groups not represented in his own mortal heritage with milk, honey, ground ochre, ground stibnite (kohl), and myrrh, then allows them to age before applying this salve. This mixing of positive and attractive qualities from Seth's varied offspring allows the target to benefit from some minor cosmetic changes to their appearance.

Mechanics: This ointment, which takes five uninterrupted turns to apply, allows the caster to superficially change the facial appearance of the person it is applied to. These changes will last for three days, which can be increased to eleven days if a Willpower is spent during the casting. These superficial changes are otherwise real and semi-permanent - they cannot be detected with Auspex, negated by Stone of the True Form, or removed by the recipient or the caster until the duration has ended. This face can be concealed with Mask of a Thousand Faces, but is otherwise the recipient's real face until the duration ends. This allows for significant structural changes to the face (jaw shape, chin, nose, eye color, hairline, ears, etc.) but only relatively minor adjustments to a character's skin pigmentation. A character of European ancestry might be able to seem like they have roots closer to or further from the Mediterranean, but they could not change their pigment to match the peoples of Asia or north Africa. When the caster applies this ointment to a target, including themselves, they may change up to three specific Appearance-related Traits to any other Appearance-related Traits for the duration of the ritual, although these changes must remain in the same category (regular Social Traits can only be changed to regular, Negative Social Traits can only be changed to Negative).


Date of Archival: 15-Aug-2020
Followers of Set
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 4XP
MET Mechanics:
Intermediate Ritual: Faith in Fire
To begin the ritual, the caster takes a white taper candle and lights it with Lure of Flames.  He then must enter a meditative trance, centering his concentration on the flame and chanting for a half hour as the candle burns nearly to the end.  After a half hour passes, the caster makes a Mental Test against 7 Traits, retesting with Meditation. If he succeeds, the thaumaturge takes the palm of his hand and extinguishes the candle with it.  The thaumaturge takes a unsoakable level of Aggravated damage that burns a hermetic sigil into his palm. He tests for rotschreck as usual and if he fails the ritual fails.  For as long as the sigil stays burned into the palm of the caster, and he does not heal the Aggravated damage sustained from the ritual, he is immune to the ravages of thaumaturgical fire that he creates, as well as radiating intense, notable heat from his palm.
Date of Archival: 07-Dec-2017
Custom Content Category: Blood Magic: Ritual
Blood Magic Category: Thaumaturgy - Hermetic
XP Cost: 2XP
MET Mechanics:

Father of Mine
This ritual gives the thaumaturge a subliminal sense of direction and distance to people, places, and objects of personal and mystical importance to the target.

System: While intoning the ritual’s vocal component, the caster spins in a slow circle with a glass object of some sort held to one of his eyes while spilling a trait of his own vitae onto a sketch of his sire. At the end of the ritual the vitae soaked sketch is burned and the ashes sprinkled over a personal item of his sire. The personal item is then kept with the caster and he gains a subliminal sense of direction and distance to people, places, and objects that had personal and mystical significance to his Sire for the remainder of the night. Once this ritual has located an item, place, or person, it ceases to be detected with future uses.

The maximum range is equal to 10 miles per Generation background of the Caster, or five miles if he has no points in the Background. If attempted on the caster’s Sire when he’s still alive, the ritual automatically fails and the Sire realizes his childe has tried to scry on him. The ritual only works to locate people, places, and objects of the caster’s Sire and only if the caster’s Sire has met Final Death. This ritual lasts the remainder of the night, until next sunrise.

An ST must be present to adjudicate the use of this power.

Date of Archival: 26-Feb-2021
