Council Voting History

Primary tabs

Council voting history for New York City, NY - USA, Kings of New York

Proposal Name Closing Datesort ascending Opening Date CM Vote
Selkies 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Chronus 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Naming 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 No vote submitted
Gypsies 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 Not
Hedge Mages 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 Not
Imbued Hunters 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 Not
Revenants 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 Not
Exceptional Ghouls 07-Jun-2001 06-Jun-2001 Not
Creation of OWBN Alistors 05-Jun-2001 29-May-2001 No vote submitted
Bloodhunt Procedures 05-Jun-2001 29-May-2001 No vote submitted
