Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Cleveland, OH - USA, Heartland Alliance

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
2012 Coordinator Election - Sabbat 05-Apr-2012 29-Mar-2012 Adam Sartori
[Proposal][Bylaw Amendment] Restoring the discussion period for the HC Election 06-Nov-2014 30-Oct-2014 Add a Head Coordinator discussion period and begin elections on February 1st
[Proposal] [Administrative] One World by Night as a Non/Not for Profit organization 18-Jun-2017 10-Jun-2017 Against
[Demon] Extended Thrall Bylaw Update: Amendment #1 [BYLAWS] 14-Apr-2020 07-Apr-2020 Against
[PROPOSAL] [R&U BYLAW AMMENDMENT] Salubri Lore Restriction 28-Apr-2014 21-Apr-2014 Against
[Proposal] Giovanni Ranks and Titles 13-Jun-2017 06-Jun-2017 Against
[PROPOSAL] [KINFOLK] [AMENDMENT #4] Kinfolk Re-Regulation (Some De Reg, some Re-Reg) [GRANDFATHERING 17-Apr-2020 10-Apr-2020 Against
Non-Sabbat with Ritae 27-Dec-2011 20-Dec-2011 Against
Status Granting Positions in NPC Domain 13-Oct-2011 06-Oct-2011 Against
Change to Coordinator Bylaw 3.D 20-Sep-2011 13-Sep-2011 Against
