Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Campinas, SP - Brazil, Ouroboros

Proposal Name Closing Datesort ascending Opening Date CM Vote
Character Regulation Bylaw Addition: 14. Methuselahs 05-May-2008 06-May-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Tzimisce Clan Packet 2008 05-May-2008 06-May-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Change to R&U 9Biv; Coordinator apprival for certain Garou camps 21-Apr-2008 22-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Koldunic Sorcery Packet 2008 21-Apr-2008 22-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
Bylaw Addition: Regulation of the teaching of Combination Disciplines 17-Apr-2008 15-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Extinct Revenant Families and other R&U Revenant members 17-Apr-2008 24-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
Bylaw Revision: Coordinator Bylaw 3)C)iii Change 14-Apr-2008 13-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
NPC Camarilla Status Above 6 to Coordinator Approval 14-Apr-2008 13-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
Administrative Proposal: Administrative Bylaw Revision 6.E.i.1: Reversal of OWBN Disciplinary Actions 02-Apr-2008 02-Apr-2008 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Update to the Setite Genre Packet 01-Apr-2008 31-Mar-2008 No vote submitted
