Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Amador, CA - USA, Gaia’s Call

Proposal Name Closing Datesort ascending Opening Date CM Vote
2006 Election for Ventrue Coordinator 04-Dec-2006 27-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
2006 Election for HC Coordinator 22-Nov-2006 29-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: A revised wording for the powers of the Keeper of Elysia 13-Nov-2006 13-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Serpent of the Light Voudoun Necromancy packet 13-Nov-2006 13-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: The powers of the Sheriff as related to the Keeper of Elysia 13-Nov-2006 13-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
New Tremere Thaumaturgy packet 13-Nov-2006 30-Oct-2006 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Tremere Subcoordinators and Clan Packet 13-Nov-2006 13-Nov-2006 No vote submitted
Genre Proposal: Serpent of the Light Voudoun Necromancy packet 06-Nov-2006 26-Oct-2006 No vote submitted
Change to Sect Specific Sect Defectors, Bylaw 9.a.ii 11-Oct-2006 13-Oct-2006 No vote submitted
Assamite Sorcery 06-Oct-2006 13-Oct-2006 No vote submitted
