Custom Discipline

Some chronicles allow for their players to develop customized powers for their characters. The following is a compilation of player created custom content in OWBN. At this time, custom content that is created and/or used by vampire PC's is required to be listed.

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Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:
0: Empathetic Resonance – Emotions ultimately drive the goals of all of the creatures of the night. Even those that follow paths that ban such things, the path itself is born from a desire to think logically without allowing emotion to get in the way. When a vampire uses this power, she is able to see the raw emotions that are driving an individual. 
System:  The vampire with this power always sees an aura of emotion around the living things around her. She may spend a mental trait to decipher ones emotions at length, telling her what emotional state the target is currently in. **The ability animal ken allows the user to read animals as well**
00:  Reasonable Doubt – Some say that finger prints are the most unique thing about a person, some say ears or even teeth. Users of this power find that one’s emotional aura is the most identifiable part of them. A vampire using this power may rebid empathy on any tests where the opponent is trying to conceal themselves physically or socially. Mundane disguises are seen through immediately; mundane attempts at subterfuge fail outright as well. **This is not a supernatural lie detector; it can only be used while reading the emotional aura. This does NOT see through Obfuscate or Chimerstry, as the nature of those powers require that the target discount logic and believe what they see**
000: Mother Knows Best – Vampires that use this power on others learn sometimes more than they bargain for. Users with an intermediate understanding of this discipline are able to pierce into the soul of the target. By touching the targets aura the user of this discipline is able to ‘sift through’ certain aspects of the targets soul. This touching may look as if the user is flipping through files, or perhaps just petting, regardless the effect is the same. The user may ask for one piece of information per mental trait spent. Also if the target has any active derangements the user will gain that derangement temporarily.  Every use of this power requires a simple chop. If failed outright, the user is unable to use the powers of this discipline for 10 minutes. (Keep in mind that after relying on this 6th sense, losing it has maddening side effects)**This should be run like a touch attack; if you are unable to run your hands through the users auras for 3 rounds (9 Seconds) then you do not get to see. This power cannot be used while in Obfuscate**
Questions you can ask: 
How long ago did you feed?
How far along are you in your Path of Enlightenment?
How long ago did you last test for Frenzy?
How long ago did you last Path Check?
How long ago did you last test for Fear Frenzy?
How much Willpower do you have left?
What negative mental traits do you have?
Are you blood bonded to anyone?
Do you have the flaw Dark Secret?
Do you have the flaw Phobia?
Are you currently under the effects of another discipline?
Do you have the flaw Hatred?
Do you have any permanent derangements? (Inactive)
Other questions are Storyteller Approval. 
**NO SPECIFICS ARE GIVEN WITH THE EXCEPTION OF NEGATIVE TRAITS. For instance you know they have a dark secret, however you do not know specifically what.**
0000: Tough Love – By spending two blood, a vampire using this power may now get a firm grip on the targets aura. By the wave of her hand, the vampire is able to impress upon their targets aura. Upon using this power, the vampire must engage their target in a challenge (Mental VS Social). If successful the user may force the target to: 
Frenzy Check
Test to Ride from Full Frenzy
Test Down Frenzy from Ride
With the extra expenditure of a Willpower, the user may force the target to:
Come out of Frenzy
Frenzy at the User (Breaks Obfuscate)
Path Check
Take Away Emotions for scene or hour (Does not affect Frenzy)
Users of this power should be wary as to not use this part of the power freely. Excessive use of this discipline may cause enemies that are very difficult to get rid of. 
00000: Reshape the Enlightened Soul – Those vampires that are able to get to the advanced levels of this Discipline find themselves able to use ‘forceful guidance’.  With the use of other levels of this discipline the user is actually able to use this power to guide a target further through their enlightenment.  This power can even be used to bring a wassailed vampire back. 
System: By engaging the target in a Mental vs Mental challenge, the caster is able to reassure the target on their path by yanking on their emotions. Upon use of this power the target is forced to spend 1-5 Permanent Willpower. For each willpower spent the user may increase their path rating by 1 on whatever path they follow.  If the target is wassailed the user gains one permanent derangement per Path Trait increased.  **YOU MUST HAVE TEMPORARY WILLPOWER IN ORDER TO SPEND A PERMANENT**
If the target has no Temporary Willpower then they are beyond help.
Date of Archival: 03-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Traveler’s Steps

The Anarchs are nothing if not survivors.  The discipline of Traveler's Steps is an example of an Inceptor Discipline created to get a neonate away from the claws of a hungry scourge – the bane of all thin-bloods.

Through the powers of the Vitae, a young vampire can learn to bend space and time between himself and his target to allow for instantaneous travel.

Using the intermediate (or higher) levels of this discipline automatically deprives you of any active Celerity effects, and attempting to use Temporus and these powers destroys you outright.


o Know Location:  This level allows you to know where you are, as if you had a map of the vicinity handy (in your head).  The information gained is very similar to having a GPS, as you may gain knowledge of coordinates (Longitudinal and Latitudinal), Elevation, or Street Address.  Common directions are also within your understanding, so you can always find the library or a pizza, but the Prince’s haven is off-limits.  (Unless you’ve been there since you have learned this power.)

Once learned this power is always active.

oo Haul Ass:  Activation of this power increases your ability to get from point A to point B, or to get in a hasty retreat.  By spending a blood the character gains an additional step of movement each action for the rest of the scene.  To casual observers, it simply appears as though the individual is combining long strides with a "hustling pace".

Forms that increase movement do so BEFORE applying this power.


ooo Teleport Item:  This power is the first step in the ability to move objects through space without being affected by time.  Any item attuned to the teleporter may be called to his person simply by the use of this power.  Spending a blood trait activates this power and calls forth any attuned item the teleporter chooses.  The item quickly materializes in the character’s hand, giving off a faint “puff” as the air is displaced around the object.

Attuning an item takes one minute and the expenditure of a Willpower trait.  Those with Awareness can detect that something is amiss with the item, but without possessing this power they cannot know what the item is affected by.  The Storyteller always has final say on what items can be attuned and teleported, but items should usually be small enough to be carried (Like weapons or a backpack).

oooo Dimension Step:  No longer limited to inanimate objects, the traveler can now teleport to anywhere within 100ft of his current location.  So long as the intended destination is known to the character, he may immediately travel to it by expending a single blood trait.  The character disappears and reappears where ever his destination is, with no visual effect but a slight audible “puff” as the air is displaced for the appearing character.

An extra subject being touched may be carried by the teleporter by expending an additional Willpower trait when activating the power.  No more than one at a time may be carried.  Using Dimension step while grappled frees you of the grapple, but has no ill effect on the individual grappling you, and does not teleport them.


ooooo Teleportation: (This level is pretty much unattainable due to limitations in learning disciplines for Inceptors.  It is being provided to demonstrate a logical progression in the discipline.)

This power is the true mastery of the ability to bend space time for the purpose of movement.  

By spending a blood and a willpower trait, the teleporter can travel to any location he is familiar with.  (Familiarity means having actually BEEN to that place and spent time there studying the surroundings, not seen it through the memories of someone else.  Developing this familiarity should only take a moment, but should be role-played.)

The teleporter may choose to carry another individual with him by spending an additional willpower trait, so long as he has a firm grasp on the subject.

Date of Archival: 07-Feb-2015
Anarch Coordinator
Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Inceptor Power

Traveler’s Steps:

The Anarchs are nothing if not survivors.  The discipline of Traveler's Steps is an example of an Incepted Discipline created to get a neonate away from the claws of a hungry scourge – the bane of all thin-bloods.  Through the powers of the Vitae, a young vampire can learn to bend space and time between himself and his target to allow for instantaneous travel.

Using the intermediate (or higher) levels of this discipline automatically deprives you of any active Celerity effects, and attempting to use Temporus and these powers simultaneously destroys you outright.  Learning this power automatically removes any levels of Celerity of Temporis you may have, and learning Celerity or Temporis automatically removes any levels of Traveler’s Steps you may have.


Level One: Know Location

This level allows you to know where you are, as if you had a map of the vicinity handy.  (In your head.)  The information gained is very similar to having a GPS, as you may gain knowledge of coordinates (Longitudinal and Latitudinal), Elevation, or Street Address.  Common directions are also within your understanding, so you can always find the library or a pizza, but the Prince’s haven is off-limits.  (Unless you’ve been there since you have learned this power.)

Once learned this power is always active.

Level Two: Haul Ass

Activation of this power increases your ability to get from point A to point B, or to get in a hasty retreat.

By spending a blood the character gains an additional step of movement each action for the rest of the scene.  To casual observers, it simply appears as though the individual is combining long strides with a "hustling pace".

Forms that increase movement do so BEFORE applying this power.

Level 3: Teleport Item

This power is the first step in the ability to move objects through space without being affected by time.  Any item attuned to the teleporter may be called to his person simply by the use of this power.

Spending a blood trait activates this power and calls forth any attuned item the teleporter chooses.  The item quickly materializes in the character’s hand, giving off a faint “puff” as the air is displaced around the object.

Temporarily attuning an item takes one minute and the expenditure of a Willpower trait and lasts for the remainder of the evening.  Attuning something permanently costs a permanent mental trait and takes one minute.  (This trait can be bought back with experience, as per normal rules.)  Those with Awareness can detect that something is amiss with the item, but without possessing this power they cannot know what the item is affected by.  The Storyteller always has final say on what items can be attuned and teleported, but items should usually be small enough to be carried.  (Like weapons or a backpack.)  No more items may be attuned than the character has permanent Willpower Traits.

Level Four: Dimension Step

No longer limited to moving objects through space, the traveler can now teleport to anywhere within 100ft of his current location or 50ft if he wishes to also take an action upon arriving at his destination.  (100ft equals 30 steps, 50ft is 15 steps.)

So long as the intended destination is known to the character, he may immediately travel to it by expending a single blood trait.  The character disappears and reappears wherever his destination is, with no visual effect but a slight audible “puff” as the air is displaced for the appearing character.

An extra subject being touched may be carried by the teleporter by expending an additional Willpower trait when activating the power.  No more than one at a time may be carried.  Using Dimension step while grappled frees you of the grapple, but has no ill effect on the individual grappling you, and does not teleport them.

Level Five: Teleportation

This power is the true mastery of the ability to bend space time for the purpose of movement. 

By spending a blood and a willpower trait, the teleporter can travel to any location he has attuned himself to.  (Use the same attunement mechanics provided in Teleport Item.)

The teleporter may choose to carry another individual with him by spending an additional willpower trait, so long as he has a firm grasp on the subject.

Date of Archival: 12-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

Fotitude x 1, Celerity x 5

The victory mark is placed on the member who lost the duel. A willpower point is spent in the duel, and upon winning a mark is placed on the face of such a member, and must wait a month to return to normal. It is just that a lasting effect on the duelist.

Date of Archival: 16-Apr-2023
Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

 Nível 1 Afiado

Com sua perigosa dança Arte “Capoeira” os negros das senzalas eram acostumados a lutar entre si, como forma de entreterimento, e quanto mais lutavam mais sua arte se tornava “afiada”.

Sistema: Devido aos anos de sofrimento, lutas e fugas você adquiriu um dom inato ao combate. Pra cada nível em Warrior Slave você adiciona mais um traço físico em combate, sempre que estiver engajado em uma luta corpo a corpo. Podendo usar habilidade acrobacia para combater

Nivel 2 Pele calejada

Era comum que os escravos dos engenhos sofrerem as piores surras pelos motivos mais fúteis, para que todo e qualquer capricho do senhor de engenho fosse atendido sem ser questionamentos. A um escravo era comum levar 100 (cem) chicotadas e ficar amarrado ao tronco por dias, com sua pele machucada.

Sistema: Devido aos anos amarrado ao tronco você adquiriu uma maior resistência a pancadas devido a sua pele calejada.  Você tem dois níveis de vitalidade saudável a mais para resistir a danos.

Nivel 3 Ginga

A Capoeira é uma dança que possui movimentos acrobáticos que podem assustar os desavisados. Com suas acrobacias mirabolantes o capoeirista deixa seus oponentes surpresos com seus golpes.

Sistema: Sempre que estiver “dançando” e utilizando um traço associado a destreza, você pode pedir um reteste fisico em um combate corpo-a-corpo, que pode ser tanto para esquiva como para o ataque dependendo de sua ação na rodada.   

Nivel 4 Grande Impacto

Com a força de seus corpos nos movimentos de suas acrobacias aéreas os golpes transferidos no final delas em seus oponentes são devastadores, com um único chute um capoeirista pode levar um mortal a morte, se o golpe atingir uma região vital.

Sistema: Seus golpes giratórios com os pés, como num Martelo Cruzado ou uma meia-lua de compasso são mortais. Sempre que executar uma destas manobras você deve apostar um traço físico ligado a destreza ou força adicional, contudo o dano provocado pela manobra acrescenta 1 nível de vitalidade a mais.

Nivel 5 chute duplo      

com um devastador giro no ar antes mesmo de tocar ao chão com uma acrobacia fenomenal o filho da senzala pode chutar duas vezes  seu oponente .

sistema: um ataque extra

Date of Archival: 13-Jul-2015
Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:
Cold Hands (Basic) - 3XP
(roughly based off Elemental Mastery: Elemental Strength. Laws of the Night, Camarilla Guide, pg. 78)
By spending a blood trait, the character is able to encase his hands in sheets of durable ice. This grants the user additional strength in physical challenges using his hands. The character receives the bonus traits Brawny x3 for a number of rounds equal to his levels of this power. Additionally, due to the thick sheet of ice across his hands, he is -3 on any challenge involving manual dexterity.
Icy Glare (Basic) - 3XP
Your face (and aura) become unreadable as both your body temperature cools and the ice inside your heart sets in. You get a Free Retest defending vs powers that attempt to sway your emotions or read your aura/mental state and are 1 trait up on Virtue Tests. While this effect is up you suffer from the Flaw: Touch of Frost.
Frozen Rage (Intermediate) - 6XP
Normal Kindred experience Frenzy as a White Hot Rage. You however have found a means to channel that rage into an immobile iceberg. In lieu of taking a Virtue test to resist Frenzy you can activate this power and are able to have limited control of your actions as if you were Riding the Wave with the Instincts Virtue. You do not have to make Virtue Chops each round to continue to ride the wave. You can use this power on another kindred in Frenzy via Touch (physical vs social challenge). It costs 1 WP to use this on another Kindred or 1 Blood to use on yourself.
Freeze (Intermediate) - 6XP
(Roughly based off of Neptune's Might: Blood to Water. MET Cam Guide, pg 81)
At this point, the character is able to freeze liquids instantly, including the blood of a victim. In order to freeze liquid outside of a person/animal, the user must simply touch the liquid he wishes to freeze and expend a physical trait per pint of liquid to freeze (up to 3 traits). The liquid freezes instantly and will melt at a standard rate.
In order to freeze a victim's blood, you must be in physical contact (possibly requiring a physical challenge) and spend 1-3 mental traits. For each trait spent, the victim immediately finds one point of blood. In vampires, this effect causes the victim to suffer wound penalties as though he were injured (even though he takes no damage) and causes the frozen blood to be inaccessible for spending. These wound penalties cannot exceed those of Incapacitated. In living creatures, this effect is most likely fatal, as the frozen blood blocks arteries. The blood remains frozen for roughly a scene or an hour.
Date of Archival: 10-Feb-2015
Custom Content Category: Discipline
XP Cost: 0XP
MET Mechanics:

The Pander to develop this Inceptor overcame the weakness of their thinned blood by training the muscle of their mind. Despite their lack of knowledge, they could replicate other vampire's powers within seconds, to some's horror and to other's admiration.

0- Mental Reboot

With but a thought, the Cainite rejuvenates his mind.

System: Refresh all Mental Traits once a night.

00- Focus

Using the power of his blood, the Cainite concentrates and focuses on the task at hand, vigilant to all that goes on around him.

System: Cainite may spend 1 Blood Trait to gain the Mental Traits Focused x5 for the scene or hour, whichever comes first.

000- Ability Savant

Monkey see, monkey do. The Cainite watches another individual’s action and imitates it.

System: After seeing an Ability in use, the Cainite may spend up to 5 Mental Trait to be able to use that Ability for the night, once per Mental Trait spent. It must be an Ability the Cainite does not already have. The Cainite’s eyes flash white when they use this power.

Discipline Savant

0000- With the force of their will backing their mind, the Cainite can also watch an individual use a Discipline and imitate it.

System: After seeing a Discipline in use, the Cainite may spend a Willpower and Mental Traits to be able to use that power for the scene. One Mental Trait to copy a Basic and two to copy an Intermediate. Advanced Disciplines and Thaumaturgy can never be imitated. It must be a Discipline they don't already have. The Cainite’s eyes flash red when they use this power.

Mind Leech

00000- When a Cainite reaches this level, they can use their body's physical power to strengthen their mind. The Cainite strikes an opponent and their punch makes contact with their flesh, the Cainite also strikes their very mind, taking their opponent's mental prowess for themselves.

System: With the expenditure of a blood and a Willpower Trait, all of the Cainites brawling attacks also strike the mind of the opponent for the round. On an effective hit, the opponent loses two Mental Traits and the Cainite gains them. The opponent may make an Awareness test to attempt to figure out this happened, difficulty 9. While this power is active, the Cainite’s eyes glow a vibrant blue.

Date of Archival: 01-Jan-2018
