Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Sheboygan, WI - USA, Blood on the Lake

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
[Proposal][Character Bylaws] Change in Gargoyle Rarity 12-Oct-2016 05-Oct-2016 Against
[Proposal] [Autopass] Change to Character Bylaw 10 13-Oct-2020 06-Oct-2020 Against
Bylaw Revision: Coordinator Bylaw 3)C)iii Change 14-Apr-2008 13-Apr-2008 Against
Mage - Restricting supernatural Mage items to Mages 16-Jun-2016 09-Jun-2016 Against
[BylawRevision] Fixing Laibon Bylaws 27-Jul-2016 20-Jul-2016 Against
Addition to Administrative Bylaw 2.A.i. 15-Jul-2015 14-Jul-2015 Against
The Appointment of a Hunter Coordinator 13-Nov-2007 13-Nov-2007 Against
Non-Sabbat with Valeren 28-Oct-2008 27-Oct-2008 Against
Genre Proposal: Koldunic Sorcery Packet 2008 21-Apr-2008 22-Apr-2008 Against
Genre Proposal: Management of Koldunic Sorcery & changes in R&U categories 20-Jul-2006 21-Jul-2006 Against
