Addition to Administrative Bylaw 2.A.i.

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Proposal Type: Bylaw Revision
Opened: 14-Jul-2015 12:55AM EDT
Closing: 15-Jul-2015 12:55AM EDT

I, Adam Sartori, Council Member for Kings of New York propose the following addition to the One World by Night Administrative Bylaws:



2. Council

A. The Council of One World by Night is considered the governing body of the network and shall consist of:

i. One (1) voting representative from each full member chronicle. A voting representative may serve as a voting representative for only one full member chronicle at a time.


2. Council

A. The Council of One World by Night is considered the governing body of the network and shall consist of:

i. One (1) voting representative from each full member chronicle. A voting representative may serve as a voting representative for only one full member chronicle at a time.

1. The Council Member for One World by Night shall be only the Head Storyteller of the member game.  No other, besides the Head Storyteller, may be the One World by Night Council Member and representation of their game as a member of One World by Night Council.


Justification:  It is the Head Storytellers of the games in One World by Night that should be the ones who decide the direction, additions, and modifications to our organization.  They already are the ones in control of the games, and as owbn is a confederation of games they should also be the ones making the decisions for OWbN as a whole.


Also, there have be numerous issues with Storytellers not being informed by the CMs, as right now it can literally be anyone.  Council has only grown more toxic and ineffective over time.  Let’s be honest, we joke every time someone new comes on that basically “welcome to council, enjoy your tour in hell.”.  I think we can all agree, council needs to change (as does a lot of OWbN).  I believe this the first major step to fixing OWbN Council. 


I know this will be a heated vote, but I think it’s one we need to have.  So please let’s keep this civil and debate the merits for and against this.  Obviously please represent your game.  But let’s keep manners in mind!


CM for Kings of New York

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