Council Voting History

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Council voting history for Sheboygan, WI - USA, Blood on the Lake

Proposal Name Closing Date Opening Date CM Votesort descending
Genre Proposal: Koldunism Packet, take 687 12-Nov-2007 12-Nov-2007 For
Addition of Legacy Coordinator to Administrator Bylaws 29-Sep-2009 29-Sep-2009 For: For the addition of this Coordinator.
Addition to Coordinator Bylaws 2.A.vii: Demon Coordinator 22-Sep-2009 22-Sep-2009 For: For the addition of this appointed Coordinator
Addition of Samedi Coordinator as an Elected position 28-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 For: For the addition of this elected coordinator.
Decreasing Rarity of Unique Caitiff/Panders 24-Oct-2009 24-Oct-2009 For: For the change in this bylaw/rarity.
OWBN Mailing List/Group access 27-May-2010 26-May-2010 For: For the change to the bylaws
Appointed Samedi Coord position 27-Sep-2009 27-Sep-2009 For: For the creation of this appointed Coordinator
All Ravnos Embraced prior to Week Of Nightmares considered Rare 28-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 For: For this addition to the by-laws.
Revision to Coordinator bylaw 3. C. ii. 3 22-Sep-2009 22-Sep-2009 For: For this change to the by-law.
Redefinition of Sect Coordinator Position 30-Oct-2009 30-Oct-2009 For: For this change to the bylaws.
